From brothels to arson, there are many rumors as to why Greek housing isn’t present on campus, but what’s the truth behind it all?
If you were to take a tour through some of the most prominent colleges in Ohio, you might notice entire buildings that are dedicated to a certain Greek organization. This is made distinguishable by the large Greek letters displayed on the front.
Drive around Capital’s campus and none of this can be seen.
Though Capital doesn’t have “official” Greek housing, quite a few upperclassmen who are a part of Greek organizations already live with fellow members in housing on Sheridan Avenue or College Avenue.
These houses are not official, but they serve the same purpose: they act as a central location for members to congregate at.
But why aren’t there official sorority or fraternity houses?
“Back in the day, one fraternity supposedly committed arson on another fraternity’s house,” Nate Jackson, Professor of Philosophy and class of ‘06 graduate, said.
Jackson clarified that this is all speculation. It was a rumor back then, and it’s still a rumor now.
Another explanation that people cite for why there’s no Greek housing is that the city of Bexley supposedly has a housing code that specifies that only a certain number of women can live in one house without it being considered a brothel.
Christa Serluco, Associate Director of the Student and Community Engagement office, attempted to clear-up the confusion.
“They’ve never had houses. It’s not like they were here and they got rid of them,” Serluco said.
According to Serluco, finances might have played a bigger role as well. It can be expensive to maintain a large Greek house.
All in all, Serluco feels that the lack of Greek housing has more to do with Bexley laws rather than Capital.
“We as an institution, haven’t said, ‘you aren’t allowed to have a Greek house.’ I think it’s more of a Bexley thing,” Serluco said.
Owning some type of house is something that Greek members consider to be pretty important.
“I feel like Greek housing, when used responsibly, can enhance the fraternity and sorority life and culture on campus,” Malik Murray, member of Alpha Phi Alpha, said.
Murray believes that having a house makes organizing events more convenient than having to rent out a space on campus.
“I think Capital does a good job of creating a system where orgs can book rooms for different events, but the rooms aren’t always available,” Murray said.