October 22, 2024

Staff Directory

Meet our Pro-Staff!

Editor-in-Chief | Adrian Suppes | asuppes@capital.edu

Adrian is the current Editor-in-Chief and a fourth-year student working on a Bachelor of Arts in Music major and Journalism minor. In addition to the Chimes, Adrian works as a zipline tour guide and a peer career advisor.

Managing Editor | Samaree Perkins | sperkins5@capital.edu

Samaree is a third-year student in the 3+3 program studying Journalism and Professional Writing. Perkins is a member of Capital’s women’s volleyball and basketball teams. She is also the Public Relations Chair of the Student-Athletic Advisory Committee and PCA with the Office of Career Development. In the future, Samaree hopes to attend law school and become a judge.

Chief Layout Editor | Ariana Herrera |  aherrera2@capital.edu

Ariana is a fourth-year Spanish and Communications major and is a returning member of the Chimes. In her free time she enjoys singing, reading and writing creatively.

Website Editor | Tatiana Sullivan | tsullivan@capital.edu

Tatiana is a fourth-year Music Technology major and has been apart of the Chimes for four years. She enjoys being involved on campus as a Resident Assistant and exec. board member for Audio Engineering Society. She is passionate about the arts, loves all things vintage and thoroughly enjoys a good podcast.

Chief Copy Editor | Emily Parrett | eparrett@capital.edu

Emily is a fourth-year Journalism & Professional Writing major with minors in English Literature and Emerging Media. In her free time, she likes to watch movies and eat at new restaurants.

Copy Editor – Reporter | Charlotte Keller | ckeller3@capital.edu

Charlotte is a fourth-year English Literature major with a Spanish minor. She is president of the Capital Book Club, a Writing Consultant for Academic Success and Capital’s Student Government Parliamentarian. In her free time, she likes to watch rom-coms, make Spotify playlists and go to concerts!

Distribution Manager | Clayton Hines | chines33@capital.edu

Clayton Hines is a sophomore Criminology and Spanish major. He enjoys soccer, football, and watching sad Oscar-bait movies.

Meet our Reporters!

Reporter | Sagel Gurreh | sgurreh@capital.edu

Sagel is a second year Communications & Philosophy major. She is Class Senator & Committee Chair in Student Government, an Exec for the Muslim Student Association and Creative Writing Club, and an Alternative RA. In her free time, she loves to write.

Reporter | Megan Martinez | mmartinez64@capital.edu

Megan is a third-year Political Science, History, and Spanish major with an International Relations minor. She is the President of Students of Latinx Affinity, the Vice-President of Student Government, and a Smooth Transitions mentor. In her free time, she loves to binge watch tv shows.

Reporter | Charlie Rinehart | crinehart14@capital.edu

Charlie is a second year Creative Writing major. He is involved in many organizations on campus and would feel conceded naming all of them. In his free time, he enjoys staying hydrated and pacing around awkwardly in social situations.

Reporter | Marvin Wurr | mwurr@capital.edu

Marvin is a fourth year English Literature Major at Capital. He’s a transfer student from Columbus State Community College and an avid enjoyer of film.


  • Tatiana Sullivan

    Tatiana is a third-year Music Technology major and is returning to the Chimes for her third year. She enjoys being involved on campus as a Resident Assistant and exec. board member for Audio Engineering Society and Outdoor Adventure Club. She is passionate about the arts, loves all things vintage and thoroughly enjoys a good podcast.