December 19, 2024

After ‘The Voice’ Jamison plans for future

Coming off his third place finish on NBC’s “The Voice,” Chris Jamison aims to capitalize on the newfound fame he’s earned from the show. Jamison finished behind fellow Team Adam teammate and second place winner Matt McAndrew and Team Blake’s Craig Wayne Boyd, who took first place.

The show ended Dec. 16, days before the holidays. This ending allowed the contestants to head home for some quality down time.

“Once the show ended, I was able to come back home to be with my family,” Jamison said. “The first day, I was able to sit down and relax, but the next day I found myself pacing around because I was so used to always having something to do.”

During the show, Jamison was busy 24/7, whether he was preparing for the live shows or recording his songs for iTunes.

“I’ve never worked that hard in my life,” Jamison said. “We were constantly moving, and there was always something to work on. We would wake up at 5:30 and not stop until midnight, then do it all again.”

The experience on “The Voice” allowed Jamison to grow underneath the guidance of Adam Levine. As Jamison continued to develop his skills, the American public took notice, and Jamison earned a loyal following known as the “Jamistars.”

“Everything on the show happened so quickly [that] you had no choice but to adapt to the schedule,” Jamison said.

On “The Voice” season finale, Jamison was picked to share the stage with Jesse J. Jesse J is known for her powerful vocals, and, during the rendition of Jesse’s hit “Masterpiece,” it was evident the two connected on the stage.

“We were paired together quickly, and I was nervous to be working with her. She made everything so easy,” Jamison said. “In rehearsals, she’d tell me what she wanted from me and ways to take the performance to the next level. That connection we established during rehearsals is what made that final performance so special when we performed it live.”

Moving forward, Jamison is looking forward to taking advantage of every chance presented to him.

“Right now, I’m waiting and taking every opportunity I can. It’s important to keep the momentum from the show going–it’s all up to me,” Jamison said.

Jamison has dates set in Pittsburgh for upcoming events and is aiming to find more venues for future performances. There is also a potential chance “The Voice” will have a summer tour featuring the top 10 artists, similar to what they did for the top ten members from the 2013 shows.

Jamison has a lot on his plate in the upcoming months, but he is embracing the path being laid out in front of him.


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