February 23, 2025

First Year ‘Boyhood’ Experience Redux

‘Boyhood”, the groundbreaking film shot over a 12-year span through the eyes of a child, recently won the Best Motion Picture Golden Globe Award. The film’s notoriety inspired our staff to capture Capital students’ growth on newsprint. We initially interviewed the following first-years earlier last semester, finding that the four were both excited and apprehensive about what was to come. This week’s interview serves as a checkup. You’ll find our interviewees’ hair color and ideas of home have changed (and that MDR meatloaf, apparently, rocks). To get a feel for the highs and lows a first-year experiences, we aim to conduct a third and final interview at the end of the year.


Ethan Wittkorn

How did your first semester pan out? It was kind of what I expected. I did well in my classes.

Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met thus far? I’ve made so many cool friends, but people from Cleveland are so culturally different for only being two and half hours away.

What’s this semester hold for you? I’m only taking 14 credit hours, because I’m working at the State House as a page 13 hours a week. I’m the only [first year] intern.

What kind of trouble have you run into? I never took German before last semester; it wasn’t a good idea to start.

Favorite MDR food? Meatloaf. You just can’t mess up meatloaf.

Favorite thing to do in Columbus? I like going to see the Clippers, even if they’re a farm team.

Does Capital feel like home yet? It feels like home, but in a different way than my actual home.


Samuel Gracida

Favorite professor? Stan Smith. He’s amazing because his whole approach to music and life is really introspective.

Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met thus far? There’s this girl that thinks I’m pretty fascinating. If I eventually meet her, that’d be cool.

What are you looking most forward to this semester? I might go with Lou Fischer and his band to a festival in St. Louis this spring.

What’s the first thing you did after break? I slept. I got here at 10 p.m. after a 48-hour trip. I visited Vietnam and China over break.

Sum up last semester in 5 words: (Sam chose to, instead, give a haiku) Capital is fun / I enjoy being with friends / and playing music.

What kind of trouble have you run into? I’ve found a lot of little quirks around campus. In the Con, it’d be nice to have a coffee machine or printer. I drink a lot of coffee.

Does Capital feel like home yet? The concept of home and belonging is an existential problem.


Mallory Stickle

How did your first semester pan out? It was rough at first, but then I got into the swing of things. I figured out what worked best for my schedule.

Favorite class? Marketing with Schwantes.

Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met thus far? Mason Sloma and Trent Smith are very interesting people. I’ll leave it at that.

Last semester highlights? I like transferring from Gahanna’s Starbucks to the one on Main Street. I can say hi to people I [know from] school.

What kind of trouble have you run into? My biggest problem was walking to my parking space in D lot.

Does Capital feel like home yet? At first I was excited to get back and do my own thing again…but it was similar to the first day of first semester. I just have to get used to this place again.

Goals for spring semester? I want to get all As and let the relationships I’ve made grow.

Favorite MDR food? Special K.


Taylor Gardner

How did your first semester pan out? My grades turned out pretty well, expect for Biology.

Favorite class? Oral Communications with Seth Smith. I hate public speaking, but he made the class a really comfortable environment.

What’s the first thing you did after break? I actually cleaned. My desk had been the wrong way all year apparently. And there was mold in the fridge; we got documented for that.

Favorite MDR food? I love their meatloaf! It’s so good. They actually had it today.

Sum up last semester in 5 words: Stressful, sisterhood, bullshit, sleepy, dangerous, underage.

Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met thus far? 1) Katherine Bustos. When I first met her, she wasn’t afraid to [get] me crazy and wild. 2) Alisha Trimbach. We met at smooth transitions and she’s my best friend here. 3) Katie McKinney. We bonded over being best friend abusers.

What are you looking most forward to this semester? I’ll be 18 next month (finally) on Valentine’s Day! That’s why I feel underage.


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