February 23, 2025

Cap Academy aims to train young leaders

Capital’s annual leadership conference open to all students, Cap Academy, which is sponsored by SCE, will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 23rd.

The Cap Academy website on Capital’s main site says “Whether you are looking to be a stronger leader in the classroom, at work, or in your student organization, Cap Academy will provide you with strategies to reach new heights in your potential,” according to the Cap Academy website.
Check-ins begin at 8:30 a.m., and students will spend the morning participating in break-out sessions ranging in topics such as “How to land an internship: How to get your foot in the door,” to “Leader$#*!: What not to do as a leader,” and “Finding leadership through your diverse background.”
After break-out sessions, there will be a provided lunch as well as a keynote speaker, Kristen Hadeed, from CAMPUSPEAK.  Her lecture is titled “From Hitting the Bar to Setting the Bar.”
The full schedule and list of break-out sessions are listed online at the Cap Academy website, www.capital.edu/Cap-Academy. Registration is required, and students can register until January 21 by going online.


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