January 23, 2025

Three creative writing students have work published

Campus is practically overflowing with talented writers who are crafting some of the best stories and poetry, and some of them are making moves in the world of publishing.

Shelby Koches, senior, recently had a short story accepted for publication by Slab Literary Magazine. The title of her work is “Aye Calypso, The Places You’ve Been To.”

“I got it from a John Denver song,” Koches said. “I like the name ‘Calypso’ because it’s like a celestial name.”

The short story is about a troubled musician from Massachusetts. While on tour in Portsmouth, Ohio, he comes across a guitar (named Calypso) and starts to form a tight bond with it.

“The guitar fills this spot that his family didn’t,” Koches said.

Koches herself came across a guitar in Portsmouth, and she found herself inspired to write from this experience.

She also shared some of her favorite literature that impacts the content that she writes.

“I’m a big gothic literature fan,” Koches said. “My favorite book is I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson.”

In addition to that, her favorite short story is called “Quitters, Inc.” by Stephen King.

Koches is double majoring in political science and psychology, but she’s always appreciated the unique power of creative writing.

“I am able to release something there that I can’t in paintings, or when I’m playing my guitar,” she said.

Her short story can be found on slablitmag.org when the new issue comes out in April 1. Ian Bush is a poet who recently got their book of poetry accepted for publishing.

Bush came from the town of Portsmouth, Ohio to take part in Capital’s creative writing program.

Ian Bush gained inspiration from the great poet Allen Ginsberg.

“First, I started writing prose when I was a freshman in high school. Then, I got really serious about it in my junior year.”

They soon realized that reading and writing poetry is where their true passion lied, especially more contemporary works.

Some of their favorite works are from poets ranging from the late 20th century to now. Such people include Franz Wright and Allen Ginsberg.

“Really, if I had not discovered Allen Ginsberg, I don’t think I would’ve ever made the transition from prose to poetry,” Bush said.

Bush doesn’t just draw inspiration from these poets, but also their own life experiences.

Bush’s book of poems, Route 23 to Golgotha, is all inspired by their experiences growing up in Portsmouth, Ohio, a place that has suffered hard from the prescription drug epidemic, a major topic in the book.

The book contains 23 poems, linking back to the title of the book.

Bush explained that each poem in the collection is thematically connected.

“Robert Frost said something along the lines of, ‘a poem’s a poem, but the collection you put it in is the complete poem,’” Bush said

For Bush, one of the most powerful poems in the collection is called “Narcan.” The title is a reference to a medication that is given to overdose patients to stop the effects of opioids.

The book is available for $5 on empbooks.com. Click on the “zines” tab and it will take you to a page that should display the book. There’s even an option where Bush will deliver it.

Nicholas “Nicky” Gutierrez is a sophomore with three published poems, one of them being a haiku that was accepted into the Frogpond Journal, the official journal of the Haiku Society of America.

A haiku is a type of poem that originates from Japan, it is also Gutierrez’s favorite form.

“It’s three lines. Less than 17 syllables, and it’s very easy to bust out a lot in a short period of time,” Gutierrez said.

While some may prefer writing more longer works, Gutierrez enjoys the mellow process of crafting haikus.

Ever since he was a kid, Gutierrez has had a passion for telling stories.

“When I was younger, I would talk to myself, and my mom got concerned because talking to yourself is kind of weird,” he said. “She asked me what I was doing and I said, ‘mom, I’m making a movie right now.’”

Gutierrez’s haiku that was accepted into the Frogpond Journal will be available sometime this winter. Another poem that was accepted into AMP Magazine (a digital literature website) will be available Spring 2019.


  • Robert Cumberlander

    Robert Cumberlander is the Editor-in-Chief of The Chimes and a senior at Capital University, majoring in Film and Media Production with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Journalism.

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