February 23, 2025

Dance your way to fitness with Zumba

Performing the balancing act that comes from being a student can be an incredibly difficult undertaking. Be­tween school, work, being involved in organizations and


countless other com­mitments, finding time to exercise and relax can be nearly impossible. This is precisely why a few Capital students have put together Fitzone Study Break, a program that alternates between Zumba and modern dance from week to week.

Zumba is the current fad in ex­ercise fitness and is very quickly increas­ing in popularity. It focuses not on exer­cising to music where the focus is not on the number of reps that are performed, but on letting the music move your body.

Modern dance was chosen as the other fitness tool as a method of al­lowing students to experience cultural diversity in types of dance. It integrates many different types of dance such as ballet and jazz.

“It is a type of dance expression that is based off of the dancer’s interpre­tations rather than the strict rules of bal­let,” Semone Wilbert, one of the student coordinators, said.

Fitzone Study Break not only is a relaxing way to help stay in shape, but is also combined with study tables. Study tables start at 7 p.m. Mondays in Schneider and they al­low students to get to­gether either in groups or individually for the sole purpose of studying in a relaxing envi­ronment.

Fit­zone Study Break follows study tables at 8:30 and func­tions as either a break from more hours of studying ahead or as a fun end to the night after school work is completed.

“We believe that the weekly study tables followed by study break creates and reinforces a supportive com­munity of learners committed to finding a healthy balance between studying and physical fitness” Cynthia Duncan, inter­im director of multicultural affairs, said.

The idea for Fitzone Study Break came from first-year students Wilbert and Lauren Kelly, who are the student coordinators for the program. Wilbert and Kelly saw the opportunity for stu­dents to be able to participate in dance and physical fitness and put together the program with the help of the multicul­tural affairs office.

“I thought it was amazing that students took the in initiative to indi­cate a such a desire to balance health and wellness with a commitment strong study skills,” Duncan said.

The Zumba instructor is Leigh Anne Lawson who is an instructor at the Jewish Community Center as well. Modern dance is taught by Crystal Boyce who is the owner and artistic di­rector of Leap of Faith Christian Dance Studio.

The program will continue on for the rest of the semester, with the ex­ception of the week of March 26. Study Break is free, and all students are en­couraged to participate.



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