February 23, 2025

First comes love… a Capital couple Q&A

Riche Myers & Sarah Jackson
Engaged?: No
Time Together: Three Years
Q: What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? Do you think it’s a ‘Hallmark holiday’?
Sarah: I think it’s a good day to use as an excuse to go out, and it’s a good excuse for me to get a date night. But I do think it’s a Hallmark holiday.
Richie: I think it’s 100% a Hallmark holiday but if it keeps Sarah happy to take her out on a date and get her something nice then that’s what I’m going to do.
Q: What’s the most important part of a relationship?
S: Balance with everything else in your life, as well as give and take. Trust and honesty should be givens. When it comes to busy schedules it’s all about balance.

Scott Rarick and Kassie Lowery
Engaged?: No
Time Together: Three Years
Q: What does Valentines Day Mean to you? Do you think it’s a ‘Hallmark holiday’?
Kassie: I think that it’s turned into a Hallmark holiday. There is too much publicity and craziness behind it and I think that it should just be about the people that you care about.

Scott: I think it’s turned into a Hallmark holiday but if you understand the meaning behind it, it doesn’t have to be that way. But overall it’s just another day to buy cards.
Q: What do you think is the most important part of a healthy relationship?
K: Trimmed beards. Good communication and the ability to really talk things through in order to make both people happy.
S: The ability to be fundamentally different to the point where it’s fun.
Q: What’s the most fun you’ve ever had together?
K&S: Our trip to Amish Country. We’re like little old people.
Q: Where would be your dream place to be proposed at?
K: I don’t think it actually matters as long as it’s special and has meaning.


Dylan Beck & Allysha Wells
Engaged?: Yes
Time together: 6 years, 8 months
Q: What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? Do you think it’s a ‘Hallmark holiday’?
Dylan: Valentine’s Day is a ‘Hallmark holiday’ because Allysha and I spend enough time together that we don’t need a designated day to spend with each other.
Allysha: Valentine’s Day is just an excuse for girls to drag guys to romantic comedies and get presents. But I’m not complaining, who doesn’t like being spoiled?
Q: What do you think is the most important part of a healthy relationship?
D&A: Honesty and trust are the most important elements of a healthy relationship. If either of these are lacking, the relationship is definitely going to lack as well.
Q: What is the funniest and/or most embarrassing thing that you have ever done in front of the other?
D: I proposed at Coldstone Creamery. The most difficult part of the plan was convincing Allysha to go when we had ice cream in the freezer at home.
A: I don’t really have any embarrassing moments with Dylan, but I can say for him, it must really be embarrassing when he has to admit he’s wrong in every argument.
Q: What is the maximum you would spend on a wedding? Why?
D: Whatever she wants because I want her to be happy with the outcome. Happy wife = happy life.
A: That’s a good question…we should really start talking about the budget before I get carried away… 


Alicia Tysl & Eric Fredrickson
Engaged?: Yes
Time together: 5 ½ years
Q: What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? Do you think it’s a ‘Hallmark holiday’?
Eric: Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday but I avoid buying cards by making my own. I love Alicia every day but I guess I give in to the consumerist media and give her a gift on Valentine’s Day, but one can only thinly express love though objects. “The best things in life are free.”
Alicia: I think the first Valentine’s Day is really exciting for girls, but now it is simply a nice reminder that we care about each other. We usually use it as an excuse to have a date night, plus Eric gets really creative with his cards and gifts, which makes it really fun and sweet!
Q: What is the most important part of a healthy relationship?
E: You need to get out and have fun and always be patient and honest with each other.
A: Every relationship is different! For us, it’s been important that we support, respect, and trust each other and spend time with each other’s families and friends. I realize that I am so lucky because my first boyfriend was “the one,” but some people are in relationships just for the sake of being in a relationship, and that definitely isn’t healthy.
Q: Funniest / most embarrassing moment?
A: The first thing that comes to mind is when we dressed up for Halloween with friends during our junior year of high school. Eric was dressed as a monk when he came to my house. But as soon as my parents were out of sight he took the robe off and was dressed as a Chippendale! I was not expecting it at all… it was so funny, and a couple of old ladies even gave him dollar bills when he danced for them!
Also, he knows I get really embarrassed when he sings in his loud opera voice at church (so naturally he does it all the time).
E: Alicia loves candy. Within the first month or two that we were together, her then 6-year-old brother drew a picture of her as a pig with a trail of candy wrappers and showed it to me, and she was mortified. Another time she was really tired and had been doing homework for a few hours, and it took me several solid minutes to convince her that 13 minus 5 equals 8, not 7, which I found pretty funny. I embarrass myself all the time, though.
A: But we’ve made lots of great memories!
Q: What’s the most you’d spent on a wedding?
A: Oh gosh… I don’t know. Weddings can be so expensive, but there are definitely ways to bring the cost down and still have a wonderful and memorable day. There are so many factors that go into it: time of year, location, number of guests, etc… the list goes on and on. Hopefully with lots of research and time to plan and bargain hunt, it won’t get too ridiculously out of control.
E: …no comment.
Q: Where are you planning to get married?
A: It’ll be somewhere in the Cleveland area because that’s where most of our family lives. I’ve been somewhat looking at venues but we’re in the very early planning process. Eric is currently living in St. Louis, MO since starting med school, and I’m still not positive where I’ll be after graduating, so it’ll be interesting if we have to plan the wedding from a distance. We’re definitely looking forward to it, though!


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