February 24, 2025

Greek life for the artists

Capital has much to offer in terms of ways to get involved on campus through countless different organizations. From various clubs to honors societies for just about every field of study, there really is something for just about everyone. One other way to be involved is by joining Greek life, but some people feel that the typical social fraternities or sororities just aren’t for them.

Enter the musical side of Greek life. Capital is home to three music and performing arts related organizations that not only have the same bound of brothers and sisters that the social organizations have, but also can sing and perform. Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI), Phi Mu Alpha, and Phi Beta are open to anyone who has an interest in musicianship and the arts.

SAI is fondly called the singing sorority while Phi Mu Alpha is the singing fraternity. Phi Beta on the other hand has both male and female members and also has members who are musically inclined. All three organizations participate in mixers with other organizations, dances, and plenty of other social activities.

These great organizations are committed not only to their bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood and in perfecting their musicianship, but are also committed to their philanthropies and service activities.

Both Phi Beta and Sigma Alpha Iota support the MacDowell Colony, while Phi Beta is also involved with the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and the Ronald McDonald House. SAI supports People-to-People, Services for Musicians with Special Needs, and the Music Therapy Project. Phi Mu Alpha’s main philanthropy is the Mills Music Mission. These singing men visit hospitals and nursing homes to spread the love of music to the people they meet there.

SAI has offered bids to eleven new girls to add to their ranks, while Phi Mu Alpha is still in the middle of their recruitment. Students of non-musical majors seem to assume that these organizations are just for the people who live in the Con, but this could not be further from the truth. Anyone with a desire and passion for music is very much welcome in these organizations.

Each one of these groups is unique and interesting in their own right. SAI has the appeal of their beautiful voices and the fact that they were the first female international organization on Capital’s campus. Phi Mu Alpha has the charm of their manly musicians, along with all their entertaining activities such as when they decide to sing on the steps of Yochum to serenade the passing student body. And finally Phi Beta has countless methods of reaching out to the community in support of the arts, as well as being involved with performing themselves.

Phi Beta
A professional co-ed fraternity whose members are in a field of study of music, speech, drama, art, or dance, or who express an interest in them. Its purpose is to offer widened horizons for artistic expression development, to encourage scholarship and use of members talents and services.

President: Ernie Cottrell
Number of members: 24 active members
When was Capital’s chapter founded? Phi Chapter was founded on March 25, 1932.
How do you become a member and do you have to be a certain major to get in?
All majors are welcome! Interested students need only an interest in or proficiency in the creative and performing arts. The first recruitment party is February 6th. For more information, check out the Phi Beta Interest Group on Facebook, or contact the recruitment directors, Justin See or Katie DiPietro, or the new member educator, Jenny Charvat.

Sigma Alpha Iota
To form chapters of women college students and alumnae who have a sincere interest in music; To uphold the highest standards of music; to further the development of music in America and throughout the world; and to give inspiration and encouragement to members.

President: Hannah Richardson
Number of members: 31 active members, not including the 11 new Members-in-Training
When was Capital’s chapter founded? 2003. SAI is not just a national, but an international fraternity that was founded in 1903.
How do you become a member and do you have to be a certain major to get in?
You do not have to be a music major to join. The requirements are that members maintain at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA, are/have been enrolled in at least 1 music course (which includes any ensemble), and attend rush events.

Phi Mu Alpha
To better ourselves and others through music and brotherhood. We are musicianly men, manly musicians.

President: Brian Hupp
Number of members: 23
When was Capital’s chapter founded? 1951
How do you become a member and do you have to be a certain major to get in?
Potential members go through rush parties and new member education to be accepted. Non music majors are definitely accepted, anyone can join as long as they have a desire for music.


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