February 24, 2025

Newspapers prove campus issues

Recently campus has seen a new and welcome change: the addition of Newspaper stands on campus. Now anyone walking through the Campus Center and Saylor Ackerman has an opportunity to get plugged into today’s news.

This does raise a pressing issue I have seen on campus for some time now, the lack of political interest or participation.

Unfortunately if I were to take a poll today more people on this campus would know who Snookie is than they would Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Bachman, or Mitt Romney.

Really people, everyone hates Snookie because she’s kind of a B, let’s be honest, but you have no idea what your missing not knowing who some of these people are.

Seriously, the simple fact that some of these people, Henry Waxman, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and others are making decisions for us that are dooming our country to financial ruin and dependency on other countries like china to hold our debt, and Saudi Arabia to provide us with oil should be appalling to all of us.

Why is it so hard for students just coming out of college to find a job? Why are gas prices so freaking high?

These can be traced back to decisions made by our senate and representatives. Why do we pay so much (or little) in taxes?

This is directly affected by those in Washington. This country’s debt is spiraling out of control. Our annual deficit is in the trillions of dollars and soon, all of this nations’ GDP will be going to pay our debt.

Where is the result of this spending? Unemployment is not getting better. The current unemployment rate is starting to inch lower, but it does not account for all the people who have simply given up and have left the workforce entirely.

It is harder and harder to secure a good well-paying job. The current leaders in Washington continue to ignore the real solutions to get this country on its feet, like simplifying the tax code and closing loopholes for tax cheats and slimy businessmen and making it easier for respectable businessmen to hire people, expand their business and make money.

No, the only answer the current left wing administration keeps proposing is raising taxes on the rich under the guise of “making them pay their fair share”.( As if the current rate of 35% on their income isn’t fair at all.)

They are dead set on taxing the very people who create our jobs. America cannot grow unless her businesses can grow as well.
Growing business requires a good pro-business environment. It requires less outsourcing of jobs. It requires making use of the resources we have here in America. (Like the oil pipeline that the current administration stopped from being built.)

This information comes from reading the news and getting plugged into political events. It’s about caring. The future of this country is at stake.
These issues are real and people need to realize them and educate themselves; don’t wait for a professor to tell you everything you need to know about politics, odds are they have their own political agenda.

Caring and self-education has just been made easier with the addition of these newspapers. All you have to do is pick it up and read (or at least skim) through its pages.

Geoffrey Maney


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