March 8, 2025

Professor’s response: What students are missing in papers

Dear Editor,
Even though I am a commie-liberal professor intent on brainwashing my naïve students with my uber-left-wing ideology, I would like to respond to Geoffrey Maney’s opinion piece in The Chimes.

First, way to go, Geoffrey. I agree completely with your main point—having access to major newspapers on campus is indeed a good idea. Let’s hear it for all those who worked hard to accomplish this goal.

Here’s what I have learned lately from reading newspapers:
1. Why are gas prices so high? Good question. Believe it or not, the U.S. will soon be a net exporter of gasoline. That’s right–we are on track to sell more gasoline to foreign countries than to our own citizens. Gas is so plentiful that two U.S. refineries have had to be shut down. And where did I get this info?–The Wall Street Journal, not exactly a liberal rag.

It’s hard for me to see how drilling for more oil or running a pipeline across America is going to solve anything. And even if we do drill for more oil, what’s going to stop it from being sold overseas?

2. From U.S.A. Today: Taxes are at the lowest level they have been since 1950. A full one-third of the Obama Stimulus Plan was devoted to tax cuts. What happened? Where are all the jobs from “the very people who create our jobs”? Gosh darnit, I want my trickle-down!

3. I too am against allowing (in your words) “tax cheats and slimy businessmen” to use loopholes to avoid paying taxes.
One popular tactic is to set up an off-shore account, particularly in the Cayman Islands. And who is suspect #1 under the heading “tax cheat and slimy businessman”?

Good old Mitt Romney. (Isn’t he running for public office somewhere?) Even the ultra-conservative Washington Times doesn’t deny that Romney avoids paying millions in taxes using Cayman Island shelters.

That’s millions of dollars that’s not going to noble tax-supported endeavors, such as providing long-term medical care for wounded veterans. But when it comes to hoarding millions versus investing in America, hello Cayman Islands!

I could go on, but just because speech is free doesn’t mean it has to be annoying. Plus, I’ve got to get back to plotting my own revolution. I hear Kerns Hall is ripe for an overthrow.

Kevin Griffith
P.S. I thought Snookie was someone who used to play for the Mets. Go figure.


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