March 6, 2025

Ten best places to sleep on campus

Sleep: a sought out but elusive commodity in college life. Where coffee replaces the necessary sleep, we need to be healthy, the question of finding a place to take a quick 20-minute power nap has popped up in every student’s life. Here are the top ten places to sleep on campus that I have personally slept at, with number one being the best.  

Photo by elizabeth lies on Unsplash.

10. Your classes

Hey, you are already stuck there for 50 minutes or more. Why not catch some sleep? Of course, you risk getting judged by your professor, coming off as rude, missing important details in class, and basically paying to sleep. But sometimes it needs to be done. 

9. The hammocks

The university dropped a chunk of change to give us hammocks instead of just letting us use our own, so might as well use them. If you can stay on them and if the Ohio weather is actually decent, then it would be alright. You’ll just have to cross your fingers that you can maintain your balance in your sleep. 

8. The fields

With an outdoor blanket, all you have to do is find a plot of grass and plop yourself right on down. If you do not like bugs, this is not your place. Also, Ohio weather and watch out for the intramural sports teams practicing.

7. The Fountains

Grab an outdoor blanket and go to the fountains. The running water is very soothing. You do not even need a blanket; a backpack works just fine. However, the fountains are a lot less relaxing in the winter when the water is turned off.

6. Moe Lounge in the Cap Center

You can study there or sleep. The only problem with this place to sleep is that it is on the far side of campus and a lot of students aren’t over there as much.

5. Troutman Lounge

Troutman Lounge has a few comfy couches that are soft to sleep in. However, the place has a lot of traffic because of the business majors and ROTC people, so just watch out.

Troutman Lounge is one of the most comfortable places to sleep on campus.

4. Stegemoeller Lounge, Kerns Religious Life Center

Just like Troutman, Kerns also has a comfy couch room. There is less traffic here as well.

3. Tera Sante, Trinity Lutheran Seminary

If you are feeling brave, cross the street into the seminary. On the bottom floor is the room Tera Sante that has a couch. Since there are only a handful of seminarians and not many undergraduates go to the seminary, the room is free a good part of the day.

2. Blackmore Library third floor

If you want almost complete and total silence, go to the couch on the third floor of the library. It is tucked away in a corner and everyone is super quiet. No one will bother you unless it is the staff.

1. Your Room

Your room seems ridiculous but hear me out. Your stuff is there, like your stuffed animals and pillows. You can even grab your significant other and cuddle without judgement. It’s not exciting, but it’s the best place for a nap (sorry commuters). 


  • Nicky Gutierrez

    Nicky Gutierrez is a third-year creative writing and religion double major. He’s involved in the following organizations on campus: Recap, Embrace, CSO, Phi Beta, APO, Phi Mu alpha, Sigma Tau Delta, VP of Interfaith Council, Creative Writing club president, president of Anime Club, PATSO, Artist’s Alliance, and a few others.

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