March 9, 2025

Best Valentine’s Day ideas around Columbus

Valentine’s day is almost here, and that means it’s time to find gifts for that special someone. 

However, finding the perfect gift is difficult and often breaks the bank. 

To start things off, there is always the tried and true route of purchasing the common gifts: flowers, candy and stuffed animals. The issue with this is that the gifts can come across as thoughtless or unoriginal, and that’s the last thing you want to do. 

If you commit to this path, make sure you’re investing in candies and other smaller gifts that your partner will actually enjoy. 

Thoughtful gifts are more appreciated, and creating something or commissioning a friend to make something special is a great way to save money on a gift. Whether it be art, music, or even a lovely letter, the impact of this gift is strong for little price. It also helps support your artist friends!

Along these same lines, there are some galleries that hold work from local artists that sell pieces for relatively cheap. There are all kinds of art at these galleries, from paintings to clothing. 

Although this place is a small drive from campus, Global Gallery Coffee Shop is strongly recommended. It’s a small gallery attached to a place with great coffee. They have many small gifts and chances are you’ll find something great. 

There are several date ideas that are near campus and available. A simple one is to visit a park. Even in the cold, you can find interesting things outdoors. Although it isn’t great picnic weather, you could do a car picnic while watching over the scenery. Jeffrey Park is within walking distance of Capital University, however, make sure to stay warm.

Another simple idea is to go see a movie. There are several movie theaters relatively close to campus, or you could walk to the Drexel right there on Main St. 

There are several ice skating rinks around Columbus as well. Ohio State has an ice rink open to the public for $6 per ticket. 

If you have a car, taking a small trip to another part of town that neither of you have adventured to is always a good distraction from the monotony of walking down East Main Street. There are many small pockets of different communities around Columbus. The Kenny Centre Mall, and the surrounding areas, have many different Asian markets and stores. This can become a little pricey, but it can still be a fun experience just to glance around and experience something new.

Staying home is also a viable option, and creating an at-home date. Looking online and finding something simple to cook has never been easier. Along with this, you could invest in a game, show, or any other activity to work through with your partner. There are many cheap cooperative games, puzzles, or board games that can be enjoyed along with your amazing new dish.


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