1. Can be grand, upright or even toy
5. Prefix meaning half
9. The greater mouse-deer found in Borneo
11. Abbr. for the top people at a company
12. Random things found around the house
14. Changes with the moon; a detergent
16. Crescent-shaped
18. “Aunt” in Spanish
19. Common battery type for remotes, mouse and keyboard, controller, etc.
21. Abbr. for the oscillation rate between 20kHz and 300 GHz
22. The symbol on the periodic table for gold
23. Abbr. for the only woodwind instrument made of brass
24. To put butter on bread; or slander
25. What the tachometer in a car measures
27. “___, the note that’s after so!” but containing the last letter that is commonly left out
29. Brushing your teeth every morning, going to bed at the same time every day
32. Federal department that regulates radio, TV, and satellite
35. Abbr. for the Treasure State
36. Choice, also has two three-letter homophones
37. Appreciation, over text
38. A horizontal resting place in third person present
39. Of or belonging to a cultural background
42. Like the duckling a little different than the rest
44. Excellent; the best
45. A story told with imagination
46. A low brass instrument with between 18 and 12 feet of tubing
47. Greek counterpart to Cupid, Roman god of love and desire48. What you might hope to find on Tinder

5. A collection of percussion instruments with toms, a bass drum, a snare drum, cymbals, etc.
6. OSHA requires these be “clearly and visibly marked”
7. Social_____, digital _____, print _____, etc.
8. What you might use to climb a frozen waterfall
10. ___ Thurman
13. Polaris, Sirius, Alpha Centauri
15. What 13-Down is made of
17. Also known as a tenor (46-Across)
20. Meaning morning, when reading the time
26. A pitched percussion instrument made of wooden bars, prominently featured in The Rolling Stones’ 1966 “Under My Thumb”
28. The first thing you type in a URL
30. They might tell you to try unplugging it and plugging it back in
31. The norse god of war
32. A high-pitched wind instrument made from a tube with holes
33. Tobacco product famously made in Cuba and The Dominican Republic
34. A small large violin
40. A shirt some who works in Human Resources might wear
41. When painting, a minimum of two is recommended
43. A word of affirmation