January 24, 2025

Tri Beta partners with Empathy Experiment to promote ethical nutrition

Tri Beta, the biological honors fraternity on campus, is partnering with the Empathy Experiment to hold a panel discussion on ethical eating. Part of the Tri Beta Lecture Series, Tri Beta has invited several speakers to discuss ethical eating – and why it’s important to everyone. By examining food production and its effects on the human body, Tri Beta and the Empathy Experiment hopes to expose the Capital Community to the important information needed when considering nutrition in the food we eat.


The panel of experts all have a high degree of knowledge and expertise in their respective fields pertaining to the discussion. Guest speakers include a representative from Whole Foods as well as a registered dietician.

The panel will discuss several controversial and wide-ranged topics. These issues range from the use of synthetic chemicals in foods to workers’ rights in the food industry. Hot topics such as animal ethics and how the mass production of food affects public policy will also be discussed. First years Kayli Stammen and Andrea Green are excited about the panel.

“I think it’s important to have on campus, because people don’t care about what they eat,” Green said. “If we have [a panel] like this, people can be educated to make healthy eating choices.”

“College students mostly eat what’s fast, quick and easy. People don’t consider if it’s healthy or not,” Stammen said.

Both Kayli and Andrea agree that they think students would eat healthier if it were more accessible.

“If there were more healthy options than unhealthy options in the Cru Bru or Cru Club, I would definitely pick the healthy choice,” both Stammen and Green said. Tri Beta also has the support of the biology department in exposing the campus to biological issues that are applicable to everyone.

“Students should go because it is directly relevant to their health and bodies,” Dr. Alan Stam, of the biology department, said.

Students can hear the whole controversy by attending the lecture series on Tuesday, April 3rd at 6:30PM.


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