January 23, 2025

An open letter to students concerned about Bernlohr Stadium lights

UPDATE: Although the meeting is still being held Friday, the voting has been postponed to a date not yet decided. Bexley is not proposing to ban the lights, but to set restrictions and limitations on Capital’s use of them.

South Bexley Neighborhood residents will gather Friday, March 28, to decide whether or not they will submit a proposal to restrict Capital’s use of new lights at Bernlohr Stadium. After a short presentation on the most current draft of the Capital Lights Proposal, residents will vote by ballot to determine if the community will accept, reject, or take no stance on the proposal.

If you are a student who lives on College Avenue, Sheridan Avenue, or another Bexley residential area, I encourage you to attend this meeting in order to cast your vote and take a stance against the proposal. Voters are not required to have attended a previous Bexley South Neighborhood meeting. Bexley residents have denied Capital students as valuable residents of the community for far too long; this is a chance for students in every class, major, and organization to join one another and make an impact on our university’s future.

If you aren’t able to vote, spread the word to those who are. If we all grab a couple friends to vote, we have the ability to let our voices be heard and to sway the vote in our favor. The meeting will be held at the Montrose Elementary Library at 2555 E. Main Street from 6 – 8 p.m. It may be a Friday evening, but even if you sacrifice two hours to take a stance and make a vote, you’ll still have plenty of time to party.

For more information and a copy of the current proposal, visit www.supportbexley.com.


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