March 6, 2025

Crusader baseball hopes for a strong season after off-season and spring trip success

by Luke Buchanan

This year’s Capital University Baseball team is setting steep goals in terms of performance.  The team believes that through drawing on its extensively deep and experience-laden roster, they will be able to achieve more than past years.

Last year the Crusader baseball squad fought hard and was able to achieve a winning record of 21-17, just four wins away from the school record of 25 wins. Yet this was not good enough for Capital baseball, as this year the team looks to surpass this record.

“Beating the school win record is one of our main goals as a team,” Justin Hoying, a senior pitcher who has played on the team all four years of his college career, said. “Coming so close last year is a testament to our team, so getting 25 plus wins is certainly within reach.”

The team has been hard at work all year; kicking off their fall practice schedule, which consists of 16 practices and morning workouts at 6 a.m. for about one month.  The off-season was anything but “off” for the Crusaders as they wasted no time jumping into the winter practice following the fall.  Hoying played a large role in leading the off-season, explaining the role of a senior in these practices.

“The winter practices are entirely senior led,” Hoying said. “There is very little contact with the coaches, making that senior leadership very important.  With 14 senior leaders, practice runs pretty smoothly.”

The team is heavily relying on that experience to guide the Crusaders to victory. Nate Campbell, a senior center fielder, shed light on the difference this year’s player experience makes saying.

“When I came in as a freshman the program wasn’t great,” Campbell said. “Now, years later, there is a great deal of experience on the team and the program is much better. They go hand in hand. Experience is invaluable for a baseball program.”

This idea runs through the minds of the entire team. Both Hoying and Campbell cited the team’s experience and leadership as one of the main contributions to the team’s success.

The team is looking forward to starting conference play, which in 2013 was dominated by the Marietta College Pioneers with a 15-3 conference record.  The Crusaders achieved a record of 8-10 in the OAC play last year, which only created a thirst to do better amongst each and every ball player.

“Everyone is looking forward to the start of conference play,” Matt Carnahann, junior first baseman, said. “We are ready to get out there and show everyone we mean business. Coach had us play some tougher competition over spring break to give us a taste of conference play. Just like last year, the OAC is not going to be a breeze”

The Cap Cru baseball team utilized the early spring break to travel south to Florida to play in the warm weather and prepare for the OAC competition. The team went 5-3 on the trip and views the spring trip as a warm up.  It is, however, more than just winning games for the team.

While preparation in terms of pure baseball is the main goal, the spring trip also serves as an opportunity to grow in team camaraderie. Hoying found this to be an insurmountably important factor.

“We won four, ‘1-run’ games,” Hoying said. “That really is a testament to this team and how we have grown together. It can be the difference between a 2-6 record and a 5-3 record.”

Campbell agreed saying everyone “gets to be around guys they don’t normally hang out with.”  Carnahann, without hesitation, said that camaraderie was outright the most important part of the spring trip for him.

The fall, winter, and pre seasons have all led to what the Crusaders hope is a successful season. The attitudes of all the players have become shaped as one. In every question asked to each player, they all gave the same answers about goals and motivations, something rarely seen unless a team is truly all about one another and not just themselves.  The players believe that this is due to Coach Grice turning the program into something that everyone can buy into.

“He makes us expect to win,” Carnahann said. “It’s simple –  our attitudes are to win.”

An inspiring coach and a strong player leadership is without a doubt a recipe for victory.  The Cap Cru baseball team believes their hard work will pay off by achieving their main goal of being in the top four for conference standings and winning the OAC tournament at the end of the year.

The men of Capital baseball look forward to kicking off their conference schedule this Saturday, March 22 with the opportunity to take down the Muskingum University Fighting Muskies at Muskingum.

All of Capital Crusader baseball appreciates student support and asks that more students come out to cheer them on.  Our Crusader baseball program is giving the student body a team they can all get behind and support.


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