February 22, 2025

New plan in the works for 2019-2020 school year

Students who attended the leadership conference had the option to participate in a discussion session with provost Dr. Jody Fournier, on making changes to the structure and organization of the academic schools on campus.

In this session, Fournier explained how things are organized now, and asked for suggestions, questions and comments that the students might have. There were quite a few.

This process was initiated in the fall of 2018, and things are beginning to pick up. A small group comprised of one staff member, one administrator and one faculty member have reviewed the numerous suggestions sent in by other faculty and staff and created some models to be reviewed by everyone.

“The initial rollout of the synthesized ideas from the different conversations that have occurred about structure, incorporating what students, staff and faculty have said, was shown, and we are almost at the point where that presentation will be emailed out with the request for feedback,” Fournier said.

The current plan right now will not be the final product, as there will be many iterations based on the feedback gained from the emailed presentation that will lead to the final product, but it is still the goal to have this plan in place for the start of the next academic year.

The major themes of the plan are to enhance and promote student learning and success, to build on what is already working well in the structure, and to provide more voice to staff, faculty and students.

Be on the lookout for the aforementioned email and make sure your opinion is heard.


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