The Franklin County Recreation Spring Formal for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (ADD) was held at the university Saturday, Apr. 9.
“The purpose of the program was to give individuals things to do now that they were out of the institutions. The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities [FCBDD] ran the program solo until 2010,” said Hazlett. “During the summer of 2010, FCBDD partnered with the Association for the Developmentally Disabled [ADD] to help run the recreation program. In 2014, FCBDD outsourced the recreation program completely to ADD.”
The assignment for the PR-365 course requires that each committee: 1) do research about the organization, its needs, and the context of the event; 2) develop a plan that includes goals and objectives as well as all the details necessary to successfully carry out the event; 3) actually implement their plans by hosting the event; and 4) evaluate how successfully they were able to meet their objectives and determine what went well and what might have been done better.
The ADD’s recreation program today consists of 4 employees. They provide evening and weekend recreational opportunities to hundreds of Franklin County residents. Their goal is to provide as many community integrated opportunities for member participation.
“We want our members to feel apart of the community and not feel like they are different,” Hazlett said.
“We have a regular Friday night dance twice a month. Every so often, we have a special event,” said Hazlett. “Currently we have the Spring Formal, and we also do a Luau during the summer… This is the second consecutive year we have worked with Capital University to plan the Spring Formal.”
Hazlett was pleased with the way the event turned out.
“This class did a wonderful job planning the event. Seeing the excitement and joy coming from our members was the best part of the evening. I cannot thank this class enough,” said Hazlett.
For more information about volunteering and upcoming events, follow the Franklin County Recreation on Facebook.