February 23, 2025

Looking for jobs around campus? Look no further

It’s that time of year again. Summer’s over, and all the students are flocking back to campus. Maybe you already have an internship lined up for the semester. Perhaps you’re a commuter and already work at your local Menards or K-Mart. But most likely, you’re looking for some extra cash to fund your Starbucks addiction. Whether you need to pay for tuition or a new TV, here are some of the jobs available on and around campus.


On-Campus Jobs

Office Worker – Office of Facilities Management

The Office of Facilities Management is looking for a student available from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays to work in the office. Duties include work order entry, document filing, and answering phones. Students with previous office experience or who are studying business are preferred. If interested, contact Dawn Freese at dfreese@capital.edu.


Scene Shop Worker – Capital University Theatre

The Cabaret Theater is looking for scene shop workers for the coming theatre season. If interested, contact Jeff Gress at jgress@capital.edu.


Office Worker – Communication Department

The communication department is looking for a student to help with light clerical work. Students will work two to three hours per week. If interested, contact Mindy Hamel at mhamel@capital.edu.


Art Room Cleaner – Communication Department

The communication department is looking for students to clean art rooms during off-hours. Students will work three to five hours per week. If interested, contact Mindy Hamel at mhamel@capital.edu.


Theatre Archive Compiler – Communication Department

The communication department is looking for a student to help compile an archive of Capital University Theatre events. This is a short-term project, and hours will be determined by eligibility. If interested, contact Mindy Hamel at mhamel@capital.edu.


Debate Research Assistant – Communication Department

The communication department is looking for a debate research assistant. Duties include compiling and organizing research sources. A student with prior experience in debate is preferred. If interested, contact Elizabeth Cook at ecook@capital.edu.


Biology Lab Assistant – Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences

The biology department is looking for biology lab assistants. Duties include clerical work, taking inventory, lab preparation, and dishwashing. Students will work five to seven hours per week. If interested, contact Angelic Stidham at astidham@capital.edu.


Women’s Basketball Game Management Assistant – Athletics Department

The athletics department is looking for a student to help set up and tear down games, sell tickets, and assist with other miscellaneous tasks. The student must be eligible for Federal Work Study. If interested, contact Chris Kouns at ckouns2@capital.edu.


Athletic Training Facility Assistant – Athletics Department

The athletics department is looking for a training facility assistant. Duties include taking inventory, cleaning equipment, doing laundry, and preparing facilities for games and practice sessions. The student must be eligible for Federal Work Study. If interested, contact Matt Smith at msmith18@capital.edu.


Outreach Caller – Capital Fund

The Capital Fund is looking for students to call alumni and ask them to donate to the Capital Fund. If interested, contact Emily Christopher at echristopher@capital.edu.


Off-Campus Jobs


Apply online at jobs.chipotle.com.


Bruegger’s Bagels

Apply online at brueggers.com/careers.


ZOË Cafe

Apply within or online at zoecafecols.com.


Rusty Bucket

Apply online at myrustybucket.com/careers.


Graeter’s Ice Cream

Apply within.


Drexel Theatre

Apply within.


ZenCha Tea Salon

Apply within.



Should this list fail you, ask around your department and check if there is any office work that needs to be done. You can also check out crusadercareers.com for a frequently updated list of employers currently hiring.


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