Fans of the show have pointed out the resemblance of the two “villains” to presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump
Despite coming out in early June, “The Boys” continues to unlock new ways to make fun of the embarrassment and absurdity that is the United States government.
Based on the comic book series written by Garth Ennis, the series was crafted into something completely different from the comics. In fact, public consensus is that the television series exceeds the source material.

“The Boys” was first aired in 2019 on Amazon Prime Video. The television series offered a new, fresh look at the oversaturation of comic-book movies and the ingenuity of corporate America.
As the show went on, the series tackled tough topics like the corporate monopolies, mega churches, and white nationalism.
Series antagonist Homelander is keen on being seen as a superior being, often establishing himself as someone above the human race. Donning blonde hair, a cape made of an American flag and an ego larger than most, many have likened Antony Starr’s portrayal of the villain to former president Donald Trump.
The show grew rapidly in popularity after its third season in 2022, satirizing issues like performative activism by corporations after the COVID-19 pandemic and the not so genuine intentions of the United States government.
In the new season, Homelander is put on trial for the murder of a political protester at a rally. Audiences can draw similarities to the 2024 trial of former President Trump, who was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. While the circumstances are obviously different, the premise angered fans and the season was criticized for being “woke” and “too political.”
Victoria Neuman, played by Claudia Doumit, is a politician who quickly moves up the ranks through the use of her secret “mind-blowing” power. She often uses political leverage and murders political opponents for her own gain.
The internet has taken quite a liking to the rivalry between Homelander and Neuman, even recognizing the resemblance between the characters and politicians Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
The season took its next step in satire when the season four finale, which was released July 18. Originally titled “Assassination Run,” the episode’s title was changed after the attempted assassination on presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania.
In a post to Instagram, they state:
“‘The Boys’ is a fictitious series that was filmed in 2023, and any scene or plot line similarities to these real-world events are coincidental and unintentional. Amazon, Sony Pictures Television and the producers of ‘The Boys’ reject, in the strongest terms, real-world violence of any kind.”
This was after the attempted assassination on Trump by Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old male who was killed that same day by the Secret Service Counter Sniper team.
Crooks was a registered Republican who donated to multiple political organizations, including a 2021 donation to ActBlue, an organization who raises funds for Democratic candidates. These conflicting facts have left Crooks’ motives unclear.
Despite the obvious coincidences between the unfortunate attempt of political violence and the satirical television show, “The Boys” is an excellent example of satirical genius.
Showrunner Eric Kripke said in an interview with “The Hollywood Reporter” that the show’s always been based on the absurdity of “Trumpism.” Bluntly, Kripke said that “Anyone who wants to call the show “woke” or whatever, that’s OK. Go watch something else…This show’s many things. Subtle isn’t one of them.”
“The Boys” will return for its final fifth season in 2026, with hopefully more material to spoof and poke fun at the never ending spectacle that is the United States government.