February 23, 2025

Asian American Alliance experiences rebirth

After experiencing a prolonged period of declining membership, Capital’s Asian American Alliance (Triple A) may now be facing a stage of rapid growth. Tara Weese, the current president of Triple A, has spent two years with the organization and believes that this semester will mark the start of a year of enormous growth for Triple A.

“We had a good turnout at the org fair and [now] have roughly 15-25 new members, even before our first meeting,” Weese said.

However, many students still do not know about Triple A or its mission as an “…organization that really wants to promote Asian history and culture,” said Weese.

Weese felt drawn to Triple A as soon as she started at Capital University because of her family background.

“I am from a family where my mom is half Japanese and my grandma is full Japanese, so I have been immersed in the Asian culture. And when I came to Capital and found out there was an organization specifically for that [the promotion of Asian culture], I really wanted to get involved,” Weese said.

Many members have similar stories to Weese, but one aspect of Triple A that has remained constant throughout the years is the organization’s diversity.

“[We are] open to everyone, to any Capital student. You do not have to be Asian to be in [the organization], and we really support that because a lot of people in other ODI [Office of Diversity and Inclusion] organizations are a part of Triple A just like I am a part of SOLA [Students of Latino Affinity] and other organizations,” Weese said.

Like in past years, Triple A has an active agenda planned for the upcoming year.

“Our first event is a big celebration of diversity cookout on the Monday, September 21 at 6:30 [p.m.] on Schaff Lawn. We will also be hosting a sushi 101 in November… [Which will teach students] how to make their own sushi, how to roll in yourself, and the history of sushi, and its role in Asian culture,” Weese said. “Our last event is on March 16 in Mees Auditorium and will feature a theater group from California who do an amazing show called ‘Attack of the Asians’ and ‘But All My Friends Are,’ which focuses on different cultures, diversity issues in the world today, and the LGBTQ community in a comical and educational way.”

By far the biggest event Triple A sponsors every year is the Lunar New Year celebration, which is in its fourth consecutive year. This event will be on February 13 and will feature performances and traditional Asian food.

“Triple A is looking to help other ODI organizations, especially this year… because having unity between these groups is very important. I am very passionate about helping them get their events going… If we reach one person, it is better than reaching no one,” Weese said.

Triple A as an organization is also a member of the Midwest Asian American Students Union (MAASU). This regional network enables Triple A to network with likeminded groups across the region and exchange ideas. MAASU frequently offers conventions for campus representatives, and this was the first leadership position Weese has in Triple A.

Students looking to get involved with Triple A can contact Tara Weese at tweese@capital.edu or look up Triple A’s Facebook page “Capital University Asian American Alliance.”

“We just enjoy having fun and eating food. We are laid back, and if you are interested in any aspect of Asian culture at all, come,” Weese said.


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