February 27, 2025

Requirement deadline approaches: how to apply for graduation

It’s time to graduate, at least for some students.

With the anticipated May day approaching, graduating seniors must complete one main clerical task: applying for graduation.

The deadline to apply for graduation is Oct. 1 2015. According to Jeanette Masters, Capital’s graduation coordinator, all students that anticipate completing their degree requirements by May 2016 must apply for graduation via WebAdvsior.

Please refer to the “How to” box for step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

Regardless of whether or not students intend to walk at graduation, everyone still is required to apply.

Approximately 75 percent of anticipated seniors have applied, said Masters. The registrar’s office will send a reminder email one week prior to the deadline to ensure all seniors have completed the requirement.

Upon completion of the application, you should receive an email confirming that your application has been received. Unless applicants did not complete the necessary degree requirements for the semester, all applications will be accepted.

If someone is unable to complete the degree requirements for a given semester, then it is the student’s job to resubmit a new application.

In the past, students have faced issues when completing their degree requirements. Until the registrar’s office contacted them explaining how they were unable to graduate because they didn’t meet all of their degree requirements, some students were ignorant to requirements set by the university.

All students can schedule an appointment with a member of the registrar’s office to be certain they are set to graduate in December or May.

Students with questions or issues regarding graduation applications can contact Masters at amasters@capital.edu.


How to apply for graduation:

1. Visit www.webadvisor.capital.edu

2. Log into your Capital University account

3. Select “students”

4. Under “Academic Profile” select “Application for Graduation (Main Campus Only)”

5. Select your desired academic program

6. On this page you need to:

  • Clarify that all personal information is correct
  • Select the time that you anticipate graduating
  • Select whether or not you will participate in commencement
  • Submit the form

7. Click OK

You should receive an email following the completion your application confirming the registrar’s office received it.


  • Zach Gerhardt

    Zach is a senior studying organizational communication. He is editor - in - chief for the Chimes. Throughout his time at Capital University, Zach has held many positions in different organizations. Zach is originally from Spring Field, Ohio, and enjoys reading and going to the movies. You can contact him at zgerhardt@capital.edu

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