As schools assimilate more and more into the society of technology, less and less students are using old fashioned print and are instead typing on a keyboard. Even cursive is quickly dying out, being cut from many elementary schools’ lesson plans.
According to, “Electronic text does not leave the same mark as its handwritten counterpart,” which brings to light the reasons why text does not have as much of an effect on the writer.
“When you draft a text on the screen, you can change it as much as you like but there is no record of your editing,” Claire Bustarret said, a specialist on codex manuscripts, also from theguardian.
“The software does keep track of the changes somewhere, but users cannot access them. With a pen and paper, it’s all there. Words crossed out or corrected, bits scribbled in the margin and later additions are there for good, leaving a visual and tactile record of your work and its creative stages,” Bustarret concluded.
Thomas Korte, freshman, believes in the power of paper and pen.
“I prefer writing in my notebook because there is a lot of scientific research on how paper notes affect the power of your brain capacity,” Korte said. He sees technology as more “convenient” for most students and that many think they are protecting the environment by “going green.”
In agreeance with Korte, Emily Roberts, a sophomore at OSU, finds writing more useful.
“I would rather write in my notebooks since I have them on me almost all of the time. Although, I do type my notes from time to time when my hands feel tired,” Roberts said.
Roberts also commented on the fading use of cursive in modern-day schools.
“I learned cursive in 3rd grade, and still use it often for signatures and such,” Roberts said. “I think cursive is dying out because common core state standards are stupid and don’t find cursive important enough to teach students.”
According to, Texas is likely to change curriculum for the 2018-19 school year to include cursive classes in upper grades. Many teachers “feel bad” for students who struggle with cursive in high school, since they were not taught in grade school as they were.
“I somewhat write in cursive, but I usually don’t since I find it inefficient and unnecessary in the grand scheme of things,” Brenna McSurdy said, freshman. She finds it complicated and much more work than simple printing.
According to, adults are “increasingly abandoning cursive,” which may be a large reason as to why schools are also abandoning the practice. Kate Gladstone, author of the article, believes that, “handwriting matters; cursive doesn’t,” and that, “reading cursive can be taught in 30-60 minutes,” which could denounce the important of cursive being taught early on.
Common core changes seemingly every day, and technology brings both positive and negative effects on notetaking to the table to schools across the world. Only time will tell where paper and pen will be in the lives of students years from now.