February 12, 2025

Crusader Day of Service lends public service opportunity

Looking for a way to get involved with something off campus? Crusader Day of Service is looking for more students to help out the city of Columbus. 

“Since the beginning, Crusader Day of Service has always had the same concept of sending groups to a number of sites throughout the Columbus Community. Crusader Day of Service began because we wanted to provide a large community engagement to all our students,” Abbey Rutschilling, program coordinator in the Office of Student and Community Engagement (SCE), said.

Students involved in Crusader Day of Service will be sent to various locations in Columbus. From there, they will be participating in volunteer activities such as landscaping, organizing and stocking donations, assisting with a family fun day, painting, or helping a home building site.

“We wanted to provide a large community engagement opportunity to all of our students,” Rutschilling said.

Crusader Day of Service will also be used as an introduction day to all the students and the SCE’s community engagement partners.

Day of Service tasks include everything from tending gardens to cleaning schools.

“Crusader Day of Service is coordinated by two students who intern in the SCE Office. Heather Barr [the Chimes staff member] and Sophia Bucci spent a large portion of this past month coordinating this program,” Rutschilling said. 

Sophia Bucci, sophomore marketing major, said she is excited for the event due to the amount of people Capital comes in contact with. 

“I have been doing service my entire life and I am so excited that we are able to have a whole day of service for our Cap students, Cap community, and throughout our Columbus community,” Bucci said.

The day will be filled with different opportunities to connect with not only the Bexley community, but the community of Columbus as a whole.

Last year’s Day of Service included painting bathroom stalls at a local school.

“It’s great to meet people and it’s great to make connections with. You never know what the day is going to bring you. When our students go out, a lot of the time they will want to come back or the organization will want us to come back, so it’s important to be friendly with one another,” Bucci said. 

With 20 spots left for the day, the SCE has decided to start an alternative list if more students decide to get involved. That way, if someone does not show up to their location, then the SCE is able to contact that alternate and have them come fill the spot.

In addition to helping out the community, each volunteer will receive a free T-shirt from the SCE. Crusader Day of Service will be held Saturday, Sept. 21. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sign-up sheets are posted outside of the SCE Office.


  • Shirleeah Pasco

    Shirleeah is a fourth year Art Therapy major and has been working for the Chimes since fall 2019. In her free time she enjoys reading, going to concerts and creating art.

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