January 20, 2025

Making the most of Engage, Corq this semester

We have all heard about Engage, the new student engagement application, at some point. However, not many students know details about Engage itself. So, what exactly is it?

“Engage is our web based platform,” says student engagement intern, Hanna Pinkelman, a senior.

This is the Engage home page. From here, you can easily search for events and organizations.

She is one of the many student interns at Capital University. 

“The goal is to get information out to students about organizations,” she says.w

Campus Labs® Engage is an application that many colleges are reverting to as a new and innovative way to keep track of campus events. The application  allows students to keep track of the dates and times of campus events and see where the event will take place. A description of the event can also be provided so the students are more informed about what events are about. 

This is what an Engage event page looks like. Photo taken by Robert Cumberlander.

RSVPing for events has never been easier. With Engage, you can let the organization leaders know that you plan to attend the event with the click of a button. This can help leaders prepare for the event by knowing how many attendees to expect, therefore making events smoother to run.

By going to an organization’s Engage page, you can RSVP to a specific event. Photo taken by Robert Cumberlander.

“I am satisfied with its features. It’s easy to get documents out to students. All organizations get budgets, so there’s an easier grasp on budgets as well,” Pinkelman goes on.

“Engage is the website; I would compare it to the Hulu app and the Hulu site. Corq allows you to RSVP directly from the app. Engage has the same platform, you can still RSVP, you just don’t have access to the event pass, which is only on the Corq app,” she says. 

Engage’s counterpart, Corq, is just the mobile version of Engage. Corq has all the previously mentioned features above, as well. With Corq, you can filter events to see “perks”. These perks include “free food,” “free stuff,” and “credit.” 

Corq also issues a unique QR code to each user that acts as an event pass and can be scanned by event organizers and leaders to admit attendees. 

“The good thing about this app is that it is easy to see when all the events are. If I don’t have my computer on me, it is easier to look at the app when I am walking to campus to see what is going on that day. Also, the app has gotten rid of travel forms so that saves time,” states Nicky Gutierrez, senior, and president of the Anime Club at Capital University. 

Corq can be quite convenient for those who do not have the Engage application on a computer, or for those who just prefer mobile apps. It displays the same information on either application, and the preference is left up to the user to decide on. 

“Engage is a helpful tool. I like how centralized it is. It does need some improvements, though. Such as when making an event request you don’t have the option to make an event repeating. You can repeat it in the same event request; however, you must do it manually. If my org met weekly, I would have to put each date individually instead of hitting weekly,” Gutierrez mentioned. 

At Capital, the Student and Community Engagement (SCE) is responsible for posting flyers on campus, however the organization recently stopped doing so. 

“Our main reason for this is because we don’t want to send students around campus more than we have to,” Pinkelman claims. 

So, what is the best way to get involved with the application Engage? 

According to Pinkelman, the best way of getting involved with Engage is to go to capital.campuslabs.com/engage, and log in with your student credentials for Capital University. SCE also has the link to Engage on Instagram and Twitter. The group’s social media handle is @capitalSCE on both Twitter, and Instagram. 


  • Melissa Blackford

    Melissa is a junior Professional Writing and Journalism major with the specialization of pre-law. She plans to pursue a degree at Capital's Law School after graduation.

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