March 6, 2025

Life lessons from Monster’s University

by Amanda S. Parsley

“Monster’s University,” the prequel to “Monster’s Inc.” that was released this summer, became a blockbuster hit grossing over $743 million dollars worldwide. This loveable story about a small monster (Mike Wazowski) with a big dream starts college and teams up with his arch rival (James “Sully” Sullivan) to win the College Scare Games and a place in the Scaring program. As much as this is just a nice animated children’s film, I have come to realize that this film has many life lessons for us as college students as well.

 1. Don’t discount Oozma Kappa
Mike had to choose to be with Oozma Kappa even though they were the lowest rung on the social ladder. Yet, on further inspection, each of these members had unique talents that contributed to them doing well in the Scare Games. So next time you look at a group, look closer. They are probably more talented than you think, even if they are on the lower rungs of the popularity ladder.

2. Find a friend that will wake you up at 6 a.m. In order to train for the Scare Games, Mike would wake himself and Sully up at 6 a.m. Even though Sully hated it at first, he eventually got used to it and woke up at 6 a.m. on his own. Friends who push you to be your best and make you do things you need to do in order for you to reach your goals and dreams are true friends you want to hold on to.3. All Scarers really don’t look like Roar Omega RoarIn one scene, Roar Omega Roar told Mike and the rest of Oozma Kappa that all good scarers looked like themselves and that they could never be good scarers; however, upon further inspection, Oozma Kappa found out that some of the best scarers out there did not look alike. In whatever field you plan on going into, don’t worry if you don’t feel like you look the part. The main focus in any field is learning to work hard and play to your strengths.

4. Sometimes, it’s good to take a field tripMike and the members of Oozma Kappa took a field trip where they broke into Monster’s Inc., where they found out what true scarers were like. They were all different but all did a good job of being a scarer. While in college, any internships and/or volunteer opportunities you can get are vital. These help you see what those in your field do on a daily basis. This may help you decide whether or not your major is what you really want to pursue. Also, taking on internships will be a great asset later on when you have graduated and are looking for a full-time position.5. They’re always hiring – in the mailroomAt the end of the movie when both Mike and Sully are forced to leave Monster’s University, they thought their dreams of becoming Scarers at Monster’s Inc. were gone; however, Mike got an incredible thought. Even though they could not apply to be scarers, they could apply in the mailroom. Even though this was the lowest job one could get at Monster’s Inc., Mike still wanted the job. This is a great lesson for anyone. If you want to work somewhere and can’t get the upper-crust job, take the lowest job they’ve got. Many companies would rather promote from within than have to hire from outside because they already know you.

6. Be the best mailroom attendant you can beAlthough Mike and Sully didn’t get their dream jobs, they went to work in the mailroom at Monster’s Inc. and decided they would be the best mailroom workers they could be. They received awards for their great work and work ethic in the mailroom. Monster’s Inc. noticed and they continually got promotions until they were finally promoted to their dream jobs of scaring. In real life, whenever you have a strong work ethic, those higher up really do notice and will reward it.


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