February 23, 2025

Time capsule to preserve memories in CMC

Faculty is currently requesting students get involved with a time capsule project for Capital’s latest building, the Convergent Media Center (CMC). Terry Lahm, senior associate provost, spoke on the importance of student leadership on this upcoming project.

“What was suggested was to have students, or student government if they’re interested, be the leaders of the time capsule, and they would determine the process,” Lahm said. “I would like it to be a student driven project.”

Lahm wants students to get involved with the planning and timeline for the time capsule. There are no definite plans in place for the time capsule, but staff is willing to work with students to create more movement within the project.

During the demolition of the previous building in the CMC’s location, Loy Hall, a time capsule containing memories from 1905, the year the building was built, was found. The creation of new buildings is usually accompanied by a time capsule to commemorate the excitement of the structure, only to be opened when the building is later taken down.

“We were planning for this time capsule in the CMC before we even tore Loy Hall down,” Lahm said. “… I think it would be nice, if we get the students interested in the time capsule for the CMC, to take something from Loy Hall time capsule and reinter it into the CMC.”

The contents of the time capsule from Loy Hall are currently housed in the university’s archives.

The time capsule for the CMC will be housed on the cornerstone of the building, which is the south side pillar by the front door. The pillar has a stone with “2016” carved into it, which was from the original stone of Loy Hall, marking the memory of the older building and the creation of the Convergent Media Center.

There are items that shouldn’t be included, according to timeinacapsule.com, like liquids, food products, matches or explosives. Anything that would compromise the integrity of the other items shouldn’t be included, like batteries or anything that could melt and leak.

Lahm already has the time capsule container, but other factors to consider while creating the time capsule are the influx of temperature and humidity, the strength of the seal, and the location of the capsule.

Lahm wants students to take charge and make plans for who can be eligible to donate items, what items are to be added and the timeline of collection and the sealing of the CMC’s cornerstone with Capital’s memories from 2017.


  • Julie Smallsreed

    Julie is the web editor of the Chimes and is a third-year Professional Writing and Journalism and Creative Writing major at Capital University. jsmallsreed@capital.edu

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