Film director Mel Brooks once said “Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you.” This past Tuesday was one such case at the Funny Bone Comedy Club located in Easton Town Center. The club hosted the quarterfinals for its stand-up comedy competition, including a lot of laughs, raunchy jokes and good company.

Seniors Ben Ferree and J.D. Ramage were two of the thirteen standup comedians involved in the competition.
“I got involved in the competition when a friend brought it to my attention. They knew it was something I’d be interested in,” Ferree said. The only step he had to take to join the competition was a quick email to the Funny Bone, and he was set.
The night started out in the lounge of the club, where all the contestants and audience members waited to be admitted into the main lounge that housed the stage. Once inside, everyone took their seats and waited anxiously for the show to start.
The show’s emcee was a comedian who went by the name of Keith Collins. He began the show of with a bit of his own distinct brand of British humor that immediately got the audience warmed up for the competitors.
While some comedians did not know how to work the audience during their five-minute set like others did, Collins would always get the show back on track by providing a few laughs of his own. Junior Ian Weaver was in attendance and was thankful for Collins’ presence.
“I’ve never been more grateful to have England on this earth than I was last night,” said Weaver. “I thought most of [the comedians] put forth their all and gave a good effort despite some of their obvious comedic inabilities.”
While some of the acts were sub- par, the crowds seemed to love the comedic style of Ferree and Ramage. Both took the stage with an air of confidence and went straight into their sets with complete commitment.
“The day I’m not nervous about performing anymore is probably the day I’ll stop doing it,” Ferree said.
Regardless of the nerves, the crowd was roaring with laughter during their respective sets when Ferree yelled in German or Ramage posted on the floor, awkwardly reciting his jokes. Not knowing what the judges were critiquing allowed each to bring something unique to the table without feeling any constraints.
When the results of who would be moving onto the semi-finals were about to be announced, everyone waited in anticipation. With thirteen contestants and only six available spots, the tension was high. The names were slowly revealed, and eventually it came down to the final couple spots.
“I was rooting for [Ferree and Ramage] because once I heard they were from Capital, I automatically felt obligated to support,” freshman Stephanie Garrison said. “I started to get worried when they continued to read off names and I didn’t hear theirs.”
But, to everyone’s relief, Ferree and Ramage were both announced as semi-finalists. A large round of applause was given and the contestants exited the stage.
The semi-finals will be hosted at the Funny Bone Comedy Club on Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be reserved by calling the club at 614-471-5653.