March 15, 2025

Providing a SafeRide to partiers

Parents often warn their children not to get into a car with strangers, but sometimes letting a stranger drive you home is the smartest decision you can make.

Colleges across the state are initiating programs that allow students who are too intoxicated to drive take taxis back from bars or parties at a reduced cost. Sometimes these rides are fully funded by the school, sometimes they are only partially funded by the school, and sometimes they are funded by the students. Some Ohio schools that have these kinds of programs include Denison, Case Western, and Ohio University.

Denison uses a company called SafeRide. SafeRide’s mission statement, according to their website, is “to proactively prevent all types of impaired driving and to assist children that have been orphaned or injured by impaired driving crashes.”

Denison’s website explains how they use the program.

“SafeRide provides safe transportation back to campus for any student who finds him/herself in a risky situation because of alcohol.”

At the printing of this issue, Capital has not looked into this topic.

Student Government President Brent Bowers said “Student Government has not looked into a program such as this, but if there is student interest on this topic, it is something that the SG Senate can further investigate.”

Other members of SG seem interested in implementing a similar program at Capital.

“Since I’ve been on SG, I have never heard about this, but I think it is a really good idea,” SG Senator Rach McDonald said.

If other students are interested in fostering further discussion of a SafeRide-type program at Capital, they can attend the SG Townhall meeting on Tues- day, Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Rec Center, which is located in the basement of the Campus Center.



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