March 16, 2025

Popular Twitter accounts to spice up your feed

Twitter was created March 21, 2006. Ever since, it has become a huge part of social media network with millions of users. There are several great accounts of all different kinds. Whether you are looking for a comedy page, a how-to page, a deep page or a page about puppies, Twitter has it all.

There are many comedy pages on Twitter. These pages are great for a quick laugh and a retweet to brighten one of your followers’ day. There are many worth mentioning, but here are a few.

First is @collegedotlife, which is extremely relatable and quite entertaining. They even quoted a tweet from Capital University’s own sophomore Mary Johnson!

Several of @collegedotlife’s tweets are also retweeted by other popular comedy pages. Another really good comedy page is @WhySoFunnyFor. They tweet a lot of really funny videos and some good, relatable memes.

Aside from comedy, Twitter also has many cute pages that make you smile and want children or a puppy….until you realize you’re broke and in college. One of these pages is @itsdougthepug. Tweets from this account all picture an absolutely adorable little pug and some incredibly humorous and relatable captions.

Another really cute Twitter account is @kcstauffer. She tweets mostly about her adorable twin daughters who have more of a sense of humor than people ten times their age. These cute little girls with a knack for comedy are guaranteed to brighten anyone’s day.

Although Twitter is great for laughing and smiling at cute puppy pictures, it also is great for practical reasons as well. There are several really good tutorial twitter pages and also some great science fact Twitter pages. @ThingsWork is a great Twitter page with a lot of facts about how things work.

There are also several really good hair and makeup tutorial pages such as @Besthairstyles and @Hairhack.

There are all different types of pages on Twitter. They can make us laugh or make us cry, they can give us good ideas or they can even tell us random science facts we never would have known. However, all of these pages have one thing in common: they all give us something to brighten our day with, or to share with a friend and brighten their day. In some ways, Twitter brings us all together and allows us to forget the stresses of the day if even just for a second.


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