March 4, 2025

Chimes Staff Candy Picks 

Another Halloween has come and gone. Whether you celebrated by partying it up in a cheap pink wig and a Party City tutu or an elaborate, niche costume nobody really understood, one issue brings people together for debate: candy. 

Right now is the perfect time to hit up a candy sale at CVS while they make room for those creepy Santa animatronics, so the dutiful student reporters at the Chimes are here to help. 

Upon waking up today, I’m sure the first thing on your mind was staff picks for best (and worst) candy here at the Chimes, and I’m happy to tell you the answer to your inquiry is here:

Starting off strong with the Editor-in-Chief, Adrian Suppes, his least favorite candy is understandable enough: black licorice. His answer for favorite candy enters into an interesting realm of nuance perhaps only he can understand: “LEFT Twix (not that right Twix crap),” he writes in an email response. Dear readers, whatever the difference is, I do not know. I attempted to further question him, but there remained no plausible answer to be had. 

Moving on, reporter and esteemed Students of Latinx Affinity (SOLA) president, Megan Martinez, also lists black licorice as her least favorite, and Limon7 as her candy of choice.  Limon7, a Mexican sour candy with an odd-looking creature on the bag, is a full experience for the senses. 

Reporter Clayton Hines makes a decision I personally approve of on both ends: peanut butter M&Ms as the best, and jawbreakers as the worst. Chocolate and peanut butter are, in fact, probably better than a flavorless sphere of sugar that breaks teeth and rips out braces. 

Website Editor Tatiana Sullivan made a lovely choice for best with pink Starbursts. Her choice for worst sent me on a journey into the unknown: Necco Wafers. I had never heard of them before, and a quick Google image search will show you how awfully dry and flavorless they look. This however, was not enough for me. I had to try them. There is nothing to report back on this venture besides that I was correct upon assumption. 

Reporter Charlie Rinehart makes a classic decision of Snickers being the best, and gobstoppers being the worst. My previous statement on jawbreakers can be repeated with gobstoppers. If gobstoppers are your favorite and you visited a fortune teller over Halloweekend, I’m sure a trip to the dentist was in your future. 

Gobstoppers and jawbreakers may be hard and flavorless, but perhaps there’s nothing worse than something chewy and flavorless. Reporter Marvin Wurr makes a case for the best candy being Twix, (no preference for left or right) and the worst being candy corn. Candy corn is often a point of contention during the Halloween season. Although you may not enjoy it, it isn’t Halloween without it. As an American classic, maybe it can get some points for being festive. 

Reporter Sagel Gurreh stands firmly with Reese’s cups being her favorite, and Whoppers being her least favorite. Once again, chocolate and peanut butter is never a bad combination, (unless, of course, you’re allergic) and I stand by Sagel in this choice. However, I am oddly fond of Whoppers, although I know that is an opinion not many share. 

And finally, I’m sure you’re all wondering what the opinion of the author of this article, myself, Megan Mitchell, is regarding candy. Well I’m here to tell you I’ve never met a candy I strongly disliked, and my favorite candy has nothing to do with Halloween: Cadbury Eggs. 

So, when you’re browsing those clearance racks full of unsold candy next time you’re at Kroger, think of your dear Chimes staff. Or don’t, they’re all just opinions anyway. 

Happy candy sale season!


  • Megan Mitchell

    Megan is a second-year English Literature and History major. She is a Smooth Transitions mentor, an editor for ReCap, a student archives assistant at Blackmore Library, and a member of Film Club. In her free time she enjoys reading and watching movies.

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