February 23, 2025

Exploring culture behind rare food items

Around 30 to 44% of the American population collects things for one reason or another, but what about items that are edible?

Recently, I tried to buy a can of Mountain Dew Flamin’ Hot from the DEW STORE and was unable to get any because of the large amount of traffic that the website was receiving, which wound up with me having to pay $25 for a single can.

This got me interested in other food items that might be considered valuable that aren’t Mountain Dew.

Dessert is also a food group that has shown to have some value in one way or another. In 2009, Hostess filed for bankruptcy and soon after, announced that they would be closing their doors for good. 

This caused a lot of people to stock up on various Hostess treats, Twinkies included. Soon after, listings went up on eBay with a starting bid of $5000 for a single Twinkie. It was bought in November of that same year.

This brings back memories to 2017, when in an episode of “Rick of Morty,” Mcdonald’s Szechuan sauce was referenced. This quick mention was at the peak of “Rick and Morty’s” popularity, and because of this, a large demand for Szechuan sauce was created. This peaked when a jug of the stuff sold for $15,350 on eBay and your average packet sold for around $200. Sometimes, things would get violent at McDonald’s with fans pushing each other to get a taste of the limited sauce. Plenty of footage of this is on YouTube if you’re ever bored.

As much as these other food items are interesting, none of it can really hold a candle to the world of wine. Certain wines are made so that the value increases with age. Collectors take into account the amount of wine available, the ratings of critics, the reputation of the winery, and the current age when determining the value of a bottle of wine.

On March 20, 2019, a 12-bottle case of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti was sold at an auction for more than $300,000. Using wine as a means for investment is getting more and more popular in some wine enthusiast circles.

With all of that being said, I now feel inclined to keep my Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew and sell it later because it just seems to be going up in value…is what I would say if it hadn’t been leaked that more Mountain Dew Flamin’ Hot is rumored to be released to stores.

At the very least, I think the design of the can is cool and I feel better spending large sums of money on Mountain Dew knowing that people have spent way more on Twinkies.


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