October 18, 2024

Charitable foundation created in memory of student

The Alexandria Leigh Goodwin Angel Foundation (AGLA) was created in memory of Alexandria Goodwin, a Capital student who passed away unexpectedly on May 5, 2016.

Alex would have entered this semester as a junior. She was an active member of the sorority Phi Sigma Sigma, an orientation leader, and one of the best people that you’d ever had the pleasure of meeting.

During her 19 years on this earth, Alex strove for greatness. Her mother and founder of ALGA, Sara Sherman, said that “if she were alive, everyone would know who she was.” Her death came as an incredible shock and massive heartbreak for all those who knew her.

img_0829Anyone who knew Alex got to experience first-hand how much she loved people; all people. She was a constant source of encouragement, kindness, and even tough love. It was her random acts of kindness, though, that made such a difference in people’s lives, whether it was a hug, listening to someone in a time of need, or even letting someone know that they needed to stop feeling sorry for themselves. I personally experienced her love and generosity many times during our friendship, and I miss her every day.

The mission of ALGA is to “empower hurting people to find their value and feel their worth,” something that Goodwin tried to help people do every day.

To her mother, starting this foundation was a way to keep a connection with her daughter and with the communities that loved and appreciated her. “[It’s like] I still get to do stuff for her,” she said.

Sherman is currently in the process of getting ALGA certified as a legitimate non-profit organization, which will take a few months. Her goal is to create scholarships for students who exhibit Alex’s same zest for life. These will first be awarded to a Crusader and a Cruiser, who is someone from Groveport Madison High School, Alex’s alma mater.

In light of wanting to create scholarships, Sherman hopes to have an ALGA 5k in the near future. Proceeds from this will assist in scholarship creation.

There is also talk of potentially creating an internship, with the intention of maintaining a connection with Capital. While this would more than likely start out as unpaid, it would allow students the opportunity to feel their own power and encourage others to do the same.

Sherman said that she feels Alex’s presence on a daily basis, which is understandable given Alex’s stubborn, trying nature. She would be honored to know that so many people have come together to honor her memory, whether it was at her funeral, visiting her plaque outside of Sailor-Ackerman Hall, or attending the tree planting ceremony that was held in her honor last month.

Anyone interested in learning more about ALGA can like the foundation’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/algafoundation.

“Life is an occasion; Rise to it.” -Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium


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