October 17, 2024

Burglary and dating violence crimes are at large, according to the university’s annual security report

Each year, the university releases a report on crime rates and fire-related incidents on the main campus and surrounding Bexley area, as well as its Law School’s campus in downtown Columbus.

Number of dating violence reports made throughout 2021-2023. Graphic by Hafsa Siddiqui

This year’s report collects data from the three previous years: 2021-2023.

Crimes related to sex include rape, fondling, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking have the most reported cases that show no reflection of arrests made.

In 2023, only one case of rape was reported compared to the combined total of seven cases in the both previous years.

There were no reports of fondling in 2023, compared to the two reports made in 2022.

Instances of domestic violence have also decreased, with 2022 having the most reports made between all three years.

Dating violence in 2023 had four reports – the most of the previous two years.

Number of burglary reports made throughout 2021-2023. Graphic by Hafsa Siddiqui

Stalking also saw an increased rate in 2023 with three accounts, compared to none in 2022.

Cases of murder, manslaughter, incest, robbery, aggravated assault and arson show no record in all three consecutive years.

Other crimes like burglary and motor vehicle theft were also reported in 2023. Six accounts of burglary represented the most reports made in all three years. Motor vehicle theft showed a slight decrease, with only two instances compared to the three in 2022.

A decrease in arrests made due to drug law violations have decreased, with only one report made in 2023; a notable difference compared to the five arrests in 2022. Drug violations on public property were the most frequent in 2022 with 15 accounts, and the least in 2023 with only three accounts.

There have been no arrests made on campus for any other violations in 2023, except for one arrest for a liquor violation in public property.


  • Hafsa Siddiqui

    Hafsa is a second-year Journalism/Professional Writing major. She is an editor for Recap. In her free time, she likes to draw and read.

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