January 30, 2025

Communication is key with student government

The beginning of a new school year also means new leaders for organizations on campus. Student government is now being led by Jack Spiller as president and Kane Murray as vice president. Between them, they have quite a few plans for this upcoming year built on the foundation of communication.

This year, they are working on getting a dining committee together to work with Aladdin to make sure that the problems that occurred last year won’t happen again this year. Spiller and Murray want to make an effort to work with them and make sure the food is good throughout the school year and beyond.

Despite all of the different events and potential activities they have in the works for this upcoming semester, the intent of student government is to always look out for the well-being of the student population. They are planning on having office hours this year, an effort to try to be more accessible to students and their opinions.

The call for engagement doesn’t just stop with Capital students, it is also being pushed with members of student government as well.

“It’s more about getting our ear to the ground and figuring out what people care about, what they’re passionate about, what they want to see more of and kind of building off of that,” Jack Spiller said.

One of the main goals is better overall communication between not only the students at Capital and the student government members but also between the Bexley community.

“[Capital] can branch out and make sure that Bexley knows that we are a friendly school and not just a bunch of annoying college kids” Kane Murray said.

The key to making student government the best that student government can be? Complaining. They are constantly looking for things that students want fixed around campus, but without hearing opinions from students, they can’t really determine exactly want needs to be changed.

“If [students] see something wrong and something that’s capable for us to fix, they can shoot us an email, come see us, and if they see us on campus stop us and ask us questions,” Murray said about the pull to interact with students more often.

Each student government meeting has allotted time for public comment. If you see something that needs changed or have an idea about something, every other Sunday at 8 p.m. in the Bridge of Learning you can stop by their meetings and voice your complaint.


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