March 9, 2025

Geramee Hensley, managing editor, bids farewell

What’s the point?

It’s something I hear a lot around here, first in jest, and then later with a tone of morbid fascination.

The underlying desire to do nothing conceals itself in a guise of ironic detachment like broccoli suspended in Jell-O.

My last year at Capital was great. Honestly, I got to do everything I wanted to.

From spearheading ReCap to being a major player in The Chimes, I feel like I’ve given my department a lot this year.

I helped found the direction for a new program: The Compass Leaders. And it has been a true joy to help students with their writing and logic homework in Academic Success.

I spent another great year performing with the Fat Tuesday Debutantes.

But, to be frank, I wish I had done more sooner. Perhaps one of my greatest regrets is not getting on stage sooner with the Debutantes.

When you’re a graduating senior, you hear a lot about having to “go into the real world” and contributing to a higher tax bracket.

But this false dichotomy is an overrated construct. It’s all just life, and that’s cool.

Looking back, I really took for granted having an eager faculty to read my academic writing. Without a lot of self-motivation, my writing may as well as be for the dog.

It’s not all bad though. I’m really excited to see what kind of writer I’ll be without an institution backing me.

So, again, what’s the point? I return to this question a lot as I’m getting ready to walk through those gates.

But maybe I wouldn’t be asking this question if it weren’t for my undergraduate education.

I could try, and have tried, to trace my progress through a series of unfortunate events, but none of that really matters to me.

I can’t put a value on the growth my four years here has given me, but I don’t think I’d be worth a damn without it.


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