May 18, 2024

Keeping in touch with friends during quarantine

While COVID-19 has separated many friends, there are still opportunities to stay engaged during quarantine.

Since we’re living in a time where methods of communication have been revolutionized to accommodate for all kinds of situations, people can now easily set up a Skype call, Zoom hang-out, or Discord server to stay in touch with friends, no cost at all.

By utilizing the methods above, here is a list of ways to continue having fun with friends.

Watch Hilariously Bad Movies

A good old-fashion movie night can be a great way to spend time with friends, especially when watching bad movies.

There are movies that are so bad that they inadvertently become entertaining. Some examples include The Room, Birdemic, Batman & Robin, and The Last Airbender

Bad movies are best enjoyed with a group of friends in order to prevent the onset of boredom and insanity. As they say, “Misery loves company.”

Shows such as Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax, are great examples of how fun it can be. Both shows involve a group of guys that poke fun at the absurdities of the movies they’re watching.

To start, set up a voice-chat using whatever program that you and your friends desire, then select a movie that everyone has easy access to, preferably something on Netflix, Hulu, etc. Then you each individually play the movie at once.

A Lunch Get-Together

The days of enjoying lunch with friends at One Main and the MDR are now gone–or are they?

Despite not being able to gather at the usual campus haunts, students can emulate the experience as best they can by putting together a daily lunch get-together. 

It’s simple things such as this that can keep the connection between friends strong. 

Have a Virtual Date Night

That special someone may be far away, but that doesn’t mean that your relationship has to take a strain. 

A virtual date night can be easily put together. All you need is a voice chat program and some food around your kitchen.

Pick an evening to video chat with your significant other while enjoying a nice dinner together. It may feel a little unnatural at first, but similar to virtual learning, you’ll eventually get used to using this channel of communication. 

Host a Live Cooking Session

Social media has given us the power to broadcast ourselves instantaneously across the entire country, and the world for that matter.

We can share our life experiences with a touch of a button, and what better experience to share than that of cooking?

Even if you’re not the best cook, there is fun that can be had. Try to recreate your favorite dish with the ingredients found around the kitchen, and ask your live audience about what you should create. 

Of course, don’t try to burn your house down in the process.

Create a Gaming Discord

Image by Gage Skidmore on Flickr.

Video games are the tried-and-true way to spend your free time with friends, whether it be Minecraft, Call of Duty, or Tabletop Simulator

We’re still living in the age of multiplayer games, so it’s now easier than ever to organize a group of friends to take part in these cooperative experiences. 

There are free online games that can provide you and your friends endless hours of enjoyment. Examples include Dota 2, League of Legends, and Fortnite

Whether you love or hate these games, everyone can admit that they are a decent alternative for those who don’t want to spend over $40 on a single game. 

When it comes to communicating, Discord is an excellent program for hosting voice chat lobbies, especially for gaming. It’s free and incredibly robust, making it a go-to option.


  • Robert Cumberlander

    Robert Cumberlander is the Editor-in-Chief of The Chimes and a senior at Capital University, majoring in Film and Media Production with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Journalism.

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