1. Thin sheet made from pulped wood
6. Deeds, or standardized tests with a highest possible score of 36
10. To depend on
14. A Spanish-speaking girl friend
15. Plunder or booty
16. Great Lake north of Cleveland
17. Wet and mushy
18. Dedicated devotees of a team or celebrity
20. “Milk’s favorite cookie”, according to branding
21. French masculine possessive
22. Actress Witherspoon, or the owner of a peanut butter cup
23. Not twice or thrice, only __
25. An oath, or a curse
27. A trash can, probably in Britain
29. To speak something out loud
31. Abbreviation of chest muscles
34. Residue after a fire
35. Informal nickname for the working class
25. Ariel’s prince in “The Little Mermaid”
39. A bud in bloom
41. An institution of higher learning
43. Connecticut Ivy League
44. To injure or strike
46. Abbreviation of torso muscles
47. Queens rival to the Yankees
49. “___” “Bless you!”
50. Rug usually placed by a door or shower
51. The beginning of your life
53. Loose Washingtons
55. West African country with a capital of Accra
57. A long, ray-finned fish (sometimes electric! sometimes made into pie!)
59. Smack with a tongue
62. Beatles track covered by Beyoncé for “Cowboy Carter”
64. Japanese sticky rice candy
65. -shire pudding
66. An unnamed figure, or a Shakespearean way to say “soon”
67. A book of maps
68. A group of female sheep
69. Commonly canned saltwater fish
70. Chicken shapes marshmallows

1. El __, West Texas city
2. A Spanish-speaking girlfriend
3. To assign to a rigid category or class, or literally a place for city birds
4. To push someone to do something foolish (don’t be a chicken!)
5. A bit of sunlight
6. As well, too
7. A group offering advice
8. The pinnacle, the highest point
9. A metric unit of volume used to measure firewood represented by “st”
10. Judged the fairness of a game or match
11. Times or epochs
12. Something parallel or perpendicular
13. Sí! Oui! Ja! etc.
19. Post-sow necessity
21. Trains or subways
24. Minor tarot arcana usually drawn as a chalice
26. A door decoration for Christmas
27. The result of 51 across
28. Abrahamic religion centered around the Quran
30. A male domestic cat, or a womanizer
32. Orange ice-pop
33. Protagonist of “The Lion King”
36. A group of fish
38. An unwanted bodily growth
40. Pauses in progress
42. An immeasurable amount of time
45. The mythic Greek river to the underworld
48. Place for hand washing
52. Capital city of Morocco
54. Mexican street corn
55. To radiate soft light
56. Larger cousin of the rabbit
58. Superhero suit designer Mode of “The Incredibles”
60. A man, probably in Britain
61. Lip touching out of love
62. Sayonara! Auf Wiedersehen! Adieu! etc.
63. Shiba __, the Japanese word for “dog”
64. A geographical guide