February 9, 2025

So long and thanks for all the fish

After several leaves of absence and more major life events than can be reasonably expected within four (actually, five) years, it’s time to say so long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu. To energy drink-fueled all-nighters. To midnight DoorDash deliveries. To sneaking my dog into the CMC. To college…and to the Chimes.

My college experience has been absolutely nothing like how I imagined it would be. I thought I would graduate from Michigan State University (where I started off at) with a major in physics and a minor in Spanish. Instead, I ended up back in Ohio, graduating from THE Capital University with a degree in Journalism and Professional Writing and no minor at all.

I often look back and wonder how different the last few years would have been if I’d lived on campus, gotten involved in a few student organizations, eaten in the MDR more than twice, or had a single CapBuck to my name. When I look back with those hypotheticals in mind, I wonder if I missed out.

But then I wonder about what the last few years would have been like if I had skipped the things I did do, like joining the Chimes.

While I never had a dorm on campus, I did take up a semi-permanent residence across from the elevator doors in the CMC behind the glass wall of our newsroom. I had the pleasure of reading literally hundreds of stories written by my peers. I’ve spent hours pouring over various copies of the AP style guide. I wrote articles on the impracticalities of science in superhero movies. I even edited work that covered topics ranging from how to judge fine silverware to school policy scandals.

Most significantly, I had the distinct honor to watch some of my closest friends grow into fearless leaders, clever writers and discerning editors. 

This past year’s staff has been nothing short of star-studded. The legacy that Shirleeah Pasco, our dauntless editor-in-chief, has fostered during her time in leadership has earned our publication both state- and nationwide recognition. Ava Boldizar, managing editor, has set the bar high for future investigative reporting. Our award-winning layouts would not have been possible without the brilliant Parken Brown and Nikki Healy (recently named Miss University).

Even in the days leading up to this, our final print edition of 2023, I’m reminded that there are still more questions to ask and more work to be done to best serve the students of Capital University. That being said, I’m comforted to know that current staff members Adrian Suppes and Ariana Hererra will be at the helm as editor-in-chief and chief layout editor respectively.
To our readers, current reporters and future contributors, thank you.

In parting, I offer you the farewell from my favorite novel, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” which is equally as weird and wonderful as my time with the Chimes has been: “So long and thanks for all the fish.”


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