February 6, 2025

BREAKING: Aliens invade campus

Editor’s note: The following is a work of fiction based on the alien invasion professional development event at Capital University.

At around noon today, alien creatures were spotted interacting with and later attacking members of the Crusaders football team at the fountains by members of The Chimes staff.

According to their leader Commander Gittens, the humanoid creatures are called Vandites and came to Earth from planet Vanatium in search for a new source of iron.

So far the Vandites have taken 12 football players victim.

Reports of unidentified creatures started last night, and this morning Activity Management and Programming (AMP) shared clips of the “suspicious activity” on their twitter.

UPDATE 12:50 p.m.:

The crisis response team and Sergeant Scott Kunkle of Public Safety shared more information about the attack in a press conference at 12:30 p.m. today.

Kunkle said alien-like figures were spotted late last night, but the official report came in around 8 a.m.

At 12 p.m. Wednesday figures with white and purple faces were spotted heading toward the fountains and interacting with the Crusader football team. The beings became hostile around 12:15 and attacked the student athletes.

According to Kunkle, the beings are carrying peace sign necklaces which extract iron from the victim’s body.

Symptoms of an alien attack include fainting, and becoming pale and light-headed.

Although there is currently no plan to apprehend the otherworldly beings Kunkle said Public Safety is working with other agencies to put one in place.

Kunkle said the figures seem to be targeting student athletes, but all students should stay away. The crisis response team and Kunkle advised students to remain in shelter and not answer the door for strange figures “even if they offer peace.”

There is another press conference scheduled for 2 p.m.

UPDATE 1 p.m.:

Professor Sally Stamper fell victim to the aliens, but is advocating for a peaceful ending to the invasion.

“Is this a fellow species that we can be helpful to without their doing this damage to us?” Stamper said.

Professor Nate Jackson said he hopes someone can find an alternative iron source to cure the affected humans and help the Vandites.

UPDATE, 2 p.m.:

The crisis response team and Athletic Director Roger Ingles offered a final update to the situation at 1:45 p.m.

According to PRSSA member Elisabeth Friend, 30 people total were affected, including 11 football players and at least two faculty.

Friend confirmed that the aliens came to Capital in search of iron, not blood itself.

Friend said the debate team and the alien leader Commander Gittens met at 1:30 p.m. to discuss options for compromise, and after five minutes of deliberation it was agreed that the aliens would migrate to Balden Wallace University to search for iron.

Those affected by the invasion can go to the first aid tent near the library to receive treatment in the form of iron-infused cookies.

Athletic Director Roger Ingles said the homecoming football game against Balden Wallace University, set to take place this Saturday, will continue as scheduled. He encouraged students to participate in homecoming activities throughout the week to bring the campus community together after this tragedy.

This story is breaking and will be updated as more information becomes available. Follow our social media for more frequent updates.


  • Heather Barr

    Heather Barr is the current Editor-In-Chief of The Chimes and a senior at Capital University, studying Journalism and Professional Writing. hbarr@capital.edu

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