January 9, 2025

Study abroad fair offers opportunity for students to explore overseas travel

Students will have the opportunity to learn about studying abroad during next Monday’s study abroad fair, hosted by the university’s Center for Global Education.

Studying abroad is an opportunity for students to explore subject matter from a different world perspective, but it can also be a way to explore your values according to Jennifer Adams, director of the Center for Global Education.

“I think you begin to learn your own self better,” Adams said. “You really understand some of your own values in a better way, because you’re now forced to look at them from another cultural context.”

For Danielle Whitley, senior Spanish and psychology major, studying abroad in Costa Rica last spring helped her toward her goal of achieving fluency in Spanish and gave her experiences such as seeing sloths and monkeys and snorkeling in the ocean.

“Overall, through these experiences I gained a sense of confidence, knowledge, and appreciation for other cultures,” Whitley said.

Adams said the experience of studying abroad can be life-changing for many students.

“I think most of the students you will talk to who’ve done a study abroad experience will say it’s probably one of the most powerful experiences they’ve had during their college experience that kind of takes learning to another level,” Adams said.

Although students might traditionally think of study abroad as a semester-long experience that they do during their junior year, Adams explained that there are other options available.

“For lots of majors, the junior year is not the right time to be doing this study abroad experience, and for some majors, it’s really hard to go for an entire semester overseas,” she said. “… I think what’s nice is that there are lots of different ways that people can have an experience.”

In addition to semester-length programs, Adams pointed out that students can go on short-term faculty-led programs, full-year programs, or trips that take place during the summer. 

Emily Simonton, senior Biology and Criminology major, went on one of Capital’s many short-term study abroad options, where students and faculty spend a couple weeks in countries across the world.

Whitley said anyone who is thinking about taking a study abroad should “make that thought a reality,” even if it might seem daunting.

“Yes, it can be very scary to travel to another country where you don’t have any family or friends; however, these uncomfortable moments is what helps you grow as a person,” she said.

Students can learn about all types of study abroad opportunities by visiting the study abroad fair this Monday, Sept. 30 in the Student Union from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Information about scholarships will also be available, and Adams will be there to answer questions.

If interested, students can also visit capital.edu/study-abroad to learn more about study abroad offerings.


  • Heather Barr

    Heather Barr is the current Editor-In-Chief of The Chimes and a senior at Capital University, studying Journalism and Professional Writing. hbarr@capital.edu

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