With the fall sports season underway, Capital University announced and crowned their 2022 Homecoming royalty.
Homecoming court consisted of ten fourth-years. This year, the court included Sydney Crothers, Regina Cetnarowski, Grayce Brannon, Dree Costanzo, Ethan Browning, Clarence Blaisdell, Aubri Jones, Sarah Griffin, Morgan Davis and Jonathan Brown II.

Members of Homecoming royalty were chosen through an application and interview process.
The application included a resume, which is something that court members begin working on early in their academic career.
Homecoming royalty at Capital holds a huge reputation, as those on the court represent the values, hard work and accomplishments of their class.
“I wanted to be on Homecoming court because when I started my first year, my mentors were on Homecoming court,” said Sarah Griffin, psychology major. “That inspired me because I really look up to them.”

Students on court this year are active members on campus, many of them being founders or leaders of organizations.
Homecoming Queen Aubri Jones, education major, has been heavily involved in different organizations on campus since her first year.
Jones is currently Student Government President, alongside Homecoming royalty Ethan Browning, who is a political science major serving as her Vice President.
“When I came to Capital, I joined every organization imaginable. I want to represent the brown girlies,” said Jones.
Homecoming King Jonathan Brown II, political science major, has also been a Bonner student leader and an assistant in the president’s office under university President Dave Kaufman.

Royalty member Grace Brannon, accounting major, applauds the hard work that was put forth in planning the Homecoming events that happen on campus.
“We’ve worked so hard on them, especially our transitions committee. They really go all-out every year. l’m just really proud of them and to see it all come together,” said Brannon.
All around, this year’s Homecoming royalty represents the graduating class of 2023’s hard work and dedication.