Shirleeah Pasco, Managing Editor
Every October there is a list of movies that I feel I am obligated to watch. Anything ranging from paranormal horror movies, psychological thrillers, to Tim Burton’s entire discography. Of the movies on this list, my absolute favorite would have to be Tim Burton’s “Sleepy Hollow” (1999). The movie is loosely based on the 1820 short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving.
The movie follows Inchabond Crane (Johnny Depp) as he investigates the decapitations happening in Sleepy Hollow. Crane runs into issues, the major one being that the eye witnesses of the crimes believe that it was the Headless Horseman.

The first time I watched this film, I was instantly intrigued by the color schemes and cinematology. Even the slight humor that Burton is known for including into his work really shined brightly, such as the ironic plotline that Crane uses forensic science at the crime scenes and is the one to perform the autopsies on the bodies, but pukes at the sight of blood.
Overall, this movie is a great one to watch to get into the Halloween season.
Shannon Craig, Reporter
“Spooky season” is a year-round thing for me, but Halloween is the perfect time to indulge in a few (or more than a few) horror movies. There’s a special place in my heart for psychological horror films, so I’d like to add “The Neon Demon” to our list.
Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, “The Neon Demon” debuted at the Cannes Film Festival in 2016 and follows the story of a young aspiring model in Los Angeles. Jesse, played by Elle Fanning, brings an intense youth and beauty that sparks fascination and jealousy within the industry.
On the verge of being consumed by her dream, Jesse’s narrative is half-realistic and half-dreamlike. Mountain lions, mysterious pyramids, intense strobe lighting, cannibalism, and inky black backgrounds make the movie more of an experience than a story.
“The Neon Demon” has been polarizing since its first showing. The film explores concepts like purity and narcissism, so the cinematography is self-indulgent and hypnotic to match. You’ll either love it or hate it, but I think it’s a great way to spice up the traditional rotation of scary movies during this time of year.
Ava Boldizar, Reporter
Horror is one of my favorite genres of movies, so picking just one Halloween film has proven itself to be a challenge. While I could easily compile a list of my favorites, one movie sticks out as being the most interesting and entertaining to watch: “Us”.
Written and directed by Jordan Peele, “Us” not only has a riveting plot, but beautiful cinematography and a great soundtrack. The movie follows Adelaide Wilson and her family as they are being hunted by four masked strangers. When the masks come off, they recognize the four assailants as their doppelgangers.

I found “Us” to be a very refreshing horror movie not following the same tired trends. While I did not necessarily find the movie scary, it is still a great movie worth watching. All the events of the movie fall perfectly together by the end, and the movie will have you thinking about it days after.
Anthony DiCerbo, Social Media Manager
I am not really going to lie, I am kind of a wimp. I am not particularly into scary movies, even as Halloween approaches I really don’t go overboard trying to celebrate. That being said, I do have a favorite scary movie for the season, and that is “Halloween II”.
The movie isn’t necessarily super scary, but it is one that I really enjoy. It takes place right after the conclusion of the first film, and continues to follow Micheal Myers around Haddonfield. While I do also enjoy the first movie, the second one is my favorite. The memories of my uncle showing me the movie for the first time, and laughing about how terrible the Haddonfield hospital is, really makes this one my favorite.
Michael Myers is a classic character, and even though he has appeared in many movies in the Halloween franchise, the memories and nostalgia that “Halloween II” brings me is what makes it my favorite.
Robert Cumberlander, Editor-in-Chief
As usual, trying to pick a definitive favorite is always a challenge for me. The first horror movie I ever saw was “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984). It was, without a doubt, a frightening and entertaining experience. But putting nostalgia aside, I wouldn’t call it my favorite.
That title goes to “The Thing” (1982). The movie centers around a group of scientists who stumble across an ancient alien creature that is buried beneath the ice of Antarctica. Over the course of one night, the crew must fight to survive.

Simply referred to as “The Thing”, the creature has the ability to mimic the appearance of anyone or anything, and the transformation process is quite horrifying.
Despite coming out in the early 1980s, the movie still has fantastic practical effects to look at. Audiences can watch the movie multiple times and still be entertained. I give it the highest recommendation.
Parken Brown, Chief Layout Editor
I have a tendency to watch a lot of horror movies around Halloween. I am a pretty big fan of “Saw” (2004) but I would not recommend that to people who are sensitive to gore. I recognize that some of these movies are not the greatest but at this point I’ve seen all nine of them and can not help but sit along for the ride.
My recommendation for someone who maybe wants a different kind of horror movie would be “The Strangers” (2008) and “The Strangers: Prey at Night” (2018). The first movie is a slow thriller/slasher that follows a young couple that visits a family vacation home. The sequel is more of an artistic slasher that challenges the genre. I enjoyed both of these movies greatly and think that even someone who does not enjoy horror would enjoy it.
Zach Basselman, Political Reporter
When I think of Halloween movies my mind goes to horror movies. While I am not the most familiar with the genre, my favorite film in it is without a doubt 2019’s “Midsommar.” The film is beautifully shot, making its more horrific scenes that much more impactful. The film is surreal in plot and cinematography and by the end of it you’re left questioning what you just saw. It is not for everyone and definitely different from your typical slasher or jump scare based horror movie but it is a worthwhile experience if you’re a fan of the genre.
Josh Conturo, Reporter
I do not do well with creepy, scary things. I attempted to watch “The Conjuring” with some friends a few weeks ago and I had to leave not even 15 minutes into the movie. So those are out, and Hocus Pocus is just cinematic diarrhea. Taking all those into consideration, my favorite Halloween movie would have to be “Scream”.
The blatant parodying and making fun of the genre as a whole lightens the mood. Not to mention it honestly feels like something that some college students could make, which makes me feel good about myself. “Scream” keeps everyone happy and my pants clean.