January 27, 2025

Main Street Music Festival showcases university bands

Later today, the fountains will be flooded with the sound of live music from some of the university’s best performers for an estimated crowd of 300 attendees.

The artists performing will be Noise Ctrl, stillcastle, 99 Horizons, Lore, Madison Easton and KJ the Cool Nerd. Madison Easton and KJ the Cool Nerd will be side stage performers while the rest will be main stage performers.

Event coordinator Brandon Doeringer described Noise Ctrl as “fruity rock,” stillcastle as a “light pop rock type beat,” 99 Horizons as “full-on punk,” Madison Easton as a “singer-songwriter… folksy feel,” and KJ the Cool Nerd as a “fully fleshed out hip hop feel.” In an exclusive interview with Lore, the band described themselves as “doom” and “stoner rock.”

In addition to the bands, there will be two food trucks at the event. The two food trucks in attendance will be university-favorite Pitabilities and Worldwide Catering.

Along with the food trucks, Seventh Son Brewing is supplying three different beers and seltzer, while Hops and Gather, a local organization that puts together the Bexley Brew Fest, will be selling the beer at the event. 20% of the profits will go to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Various student organizations will be tabling and the organizers will be selling merchandise. 

The sponsors of the event include Capital University, Donatos pizza, the city of Bexley, both food trucks in attendance, Seventh Sun Brewery, Bell Visuals, Alex Silverman and Tammy Freedman.

Many of the artists expressed great enthusiasm regarding the event.

Thomas Tye, bassist for stillcastle, commented on behalf of the band. “We’re really excited to play this year’s Main Street Music Fest. We’re taking a short break from playing out to write and record our music, and I believe this event will set Stillcastle up for the next stage in our career!”

Kyle Gowens, guitarist for Lore, cited a certain nostalgia for the project as he helped organize the event last year. Gowens said, “I think Main Street Music Festival is particularly special to me and David [lead singer of Lore], it has that sense of nostalgia because that project started out as a class coming together and doing something not necessarily with Capital. We did it by ourselves.” 

Additionally, Gowens explained that “Main Street [Music Festival] is showcasing a lot of student talent that isn’t necessarily in the Conservatory [of Music]… it’s the tech students who have a band and the original intention of Main Street [Music Festival] is to showcase the bands that were not necessarily in the con [Conservatory of Music].”

Gates open at 6:00 p.m. and music starts at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are free and can be accessed online. No outside food or drink is allowed in the venue.


  • Adrian Suppes

    Adrian is the current Editor-in-Chief and a fourth-year student working on a Bachelor of Arts in Music major and Journalism minor. In addition to the Chimes, Adrian works as a zipline tour guide and a peer career advisor.

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